Chapter 15

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Anne's POV

The more I learn and find out about Sasha, the more I realize how much she has suffered throughout time.

She had been peacefully napping for a few hours now. I was causally sitting up, hoping she didn't start freaking out in her sleep. I want her to know that I've got her.

I'm worried about her. I want her to feel safe here. I don't want it to feel like she isn't valid. With all the invalidation from her mom, I can't even ponder what she is dealing with.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that Sasha was shifting. She sluggishly opened her eyes.

"Hey babe," I cheerfully cracked a smile.

"Hey sweetheart," she murmured back.

She's been calling me, sweetheart, since we left the hospital. The nickname makes me fall for her more and more.

"Sleep well," I inquired.

"Yeah," she perched herself up.

"How are you," I carried on with the questions.

"I am managing, I did not experience any nightmares," she appeared happy, "Take the victories where we can."

"That's awesome," I rejoiced, throwing one of my arms around her.

She leaned on my shoulder, "I know I say it a lot, but thank you. Thank you for watching out for me."

"Aww, only for you babe," I smirked, planting a small kiss on her head.

I squirmed and hopped off the bed, heading to the bathroom.

"Where you going," she questioned.

"I'm just going to get more bandages and medical tape," I insisted, "I'll help you wrap up and doctor your cuts."

I seen Sasha hesitantly start to unravel the bandages on her arms. She dropped the bandages into the trash can and intensely stared at her arms.

I returned with rolls of gauze, tubes of Neosporin, and medical tape. I set the items on the nightstand and scooted close to Sasha. He had some small, large, deep, and light cuts all over her arms. The cuts were even visible through her tattoos.

I went straight to applying Neosporin on her arms. I felt her tense up.

"You okay," I asked.

"Yeah, it is just really cold," she acknowledged.

I nodded, "All that's left is to wraps them back up."

I could see the dread in her face, but I put her mind at rest.

I took the gauze and commenced the wrapping. I started at her shoulders and worked my way to her wrists.

"And," I added the last piece of medical tape, "done."

Sasha gave me a faint smile and tried standing. She was still wasn't the most sturdy yet because she fell into my arms.

"Woah," I was startled, "you know you're supposed to use the wheelchair, right?"

"But then there wouldn't be the fun of being in my girlfriend's arms," she winked.

I blushed hard, feeling the heat all over my face.

I helped Sasha up and into her wheelchair.

"You want anything," I thought I would ask since we are both moving.

I want her personally.

"I'm kinda hungry actually," she replied.

We went into the kitchen, in search for food.


Sasha's POV

I hate being confined to this stupid wheelchair, but it is doctor's orders.

Despite my hunger for food, I really wanted Anne when she asked if I wanted anything.

We ended up eating a couple of sandwiches and telling stories in her room on the bed.

"So let me get this straight, you and Grime were attacked by two giant herons," she was going on and on, "Then, you guys fought them together, and that's when Grime made you second in command."

"Sounds about right," I claimed, shaking my head.

"Wow," I could see the stars in Anne's eyes, "We all had really different experiences in Amphibia, didn't we?"

"It's crazy, but we would still be the unchanged us," I said with confidence.

"Yeah," Anne squealed, "We probably won't have got together."

"Couldn't have that happen," I smirked, pulling her with little force into a kiss.

The kiss started out slow. As it begins to pick up in pace, Anne sneaks her way into my lap. My breath hitched, but I didn't let that stop anything. I moved my hands to where they were resting on her hips. She moved her hands to cupping my cheeks, holding me in place. Not like I could move if I wanted to anyways.

The small kiss turned into a full blown make out session when I felt Anne's tongue slide against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I became nervous and froze up before deciding to let her in. She must have noticed how anxious I was because she slowed down a little.

The pace soon picks up again. She moves one hand and starts to play in my hair. I could feel her twirling my hair in her fingers. Her other hand takes my hand intertwining our fingers and holding me down.

Damn, this girl. The feelings I have for her. The burning sensation in my stomach that only happened when I was with her.

I readjusted my only free hand to play with the hem of her shirt.

Anne backed away from the kiss for a quick few seconds before moving down to my neck, scattering many small kisses. I let a sharp breath escape my mouth.

I could feel the shivers and goosebumps appearing all over my skin. I felt Anne smiling, which only made me even more content.

Anne rose up, trying to catch her breath. I opened my eyes, feeling the blush running across my face.

"I needed that babe," Anne sneered.

"You can't resist me, sweetheart," I managed to say.

"Uh huh, sure," Anne spoke with a deep sense of sarcasm.

I playfully gasped with my hand over my heart, "ouch, my heart!"

We both broke out in laughter.

"I love you, baby," she glared at me.

"I love you more, sweetheart," I retaliated.

I enwrapped my arms around Anne's back. I run my hands up the back side of her shirt, my fingers dancing along her skin.

Anne lies on top of me, "I can get off if I'm hurting you."

"No, I'm okay right now," I mentioned, "I'll let you know if I'm hurting."

She snuggled close, relaxing in my arms.

I love this feeling.


If you haven't heard the song, "Pink" by Anna Akana, you need to check it out.


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