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Wonderstar- A slightly small cat with orange and black calico fur, pumpkin orange eyes and blade-like claws.
(Oc of AKa_amazing1 )

Gray and white she-cat with black freckles on her nose.
(Oc of Cheetahgirl4ever )

Medicine Cat:
Spiritflight- A snowy cat with gray stipes and greyish green eyes.
(Oc of AKa_amazing1 )

Medicine Apprentice:
Milkypaw- all black tom-cat with a brown head. (Oc of Cheetahgirl4ever )


Pinespeck- Reddish brown tom-cat with short legs and dull yellow eyes.
(My oc) (Apprentice: Spiderpaw)

Cedarcry - Light brown tabby she-cat with light blue eyes and darker brown specks. (My oc)

Flowerblossom- Tortoiseshell and white furred molly with pale orange eyes. (Mine)

Owlgaze- Light brown tom with a white chest and light blue eyes that can see very well. (My Oc)
(Apprentice : Birchpaw )

Crowclaw- Black and white tom with ominous silver-gray eyes. (Mine)

Silverpuddle- Silver she-cat with a pelt full of scars and dark, teal eyes.
(My Oc)
(Apprentice: Mildewpaw)

Brookstorm- A muscular bluish grey tom with icy blue eyes and a black hind leg. (Oc of AKa_amazing1 )

Dewmelody- A sort of fluffy, mostly white, and blue-gray speckled cat with deep azure eyes.Half of her face is white and the other is blue-gray.She also has a blue-gray front right paw.
(Oc of moosh_moosh12 )
(Apprentice: Sunpaw)

Snowdropfall-Fluffy white she-cat with drooped ears with gray tips, a gray splotch one her face and amber eyes.Her left eye is scarred and blind, she has a few scratches on her face, and a long wound on her muzzle.
(Apprentice: Forestpaw)
(Oc of -Lakecloud- )

Deerspots- Pale brown tom-cat with very torn ears, amber eyes and white spots on his back.
(Oc of -Lakecloud- )


Spiderpaw- Small black tom-cat with a white splotch on his chest, a long, skinny tail and dull yellow eyes.
(My oc)

Forestpaw-A tom with chocolatey fur, sage green eyes, darker swirls on his fur and stripes on his hind legs.
(Oc of AKa_amazing1 )

Mildewpaw- A pure white she-cat with with black whiskers and paws.
(Oc of Cheetahgirl4ever )

Sunpaw- Golden yellow furred tom-cat with orange eyes.
(Oc of Ztar101  )

Birchpaw - Pale tabby she-cat.
(Oc of Ztar101  )

Magpieheart- A creamy-golden furred cat with a white tail tip and paws.
(Mother of Leafkit, Branchkit and Marigoldkit)
(Oc of Cheetahgirl4ever )

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