Chapter Eight

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The sun was barely rising in the sky by the time Spiderpaw, Wonderstar, Ripplestrike and Owlgaze started out toward the Two-leg building site.

Spiderpaw wouldn't admit it, but he felt kind of strange being the only apprentice.
He would of liked to have Mildewpaw or Sunpaw by his side.Even Forestpaw —no offense, Forestpaw — would be better than none.

But he continued to pad alongside Wonderstar, glancing around at the woodsy scenery.
He didn't come here often, so he didn't really know a lot about it.

"See? There's the spot it's being built."Ripplestrike pointed her black speckled nose toward a clearing.
There were pale yellowish white beams scattered all over the place, weird tools, strange looking food and Two-legs everywhere.

Even some Two-leg kits were racing around, slapping each other then turning and running.

It was weird.

"What are they doing?"Spiderpaw asked, watching, crouched beside a bush.
He saw a male Two-leg stomp by with a circle item in his hand, which smelt delicious.

"Building their home."Wonderstar replied, sitting down beside him and wrapping their tail around their paws. "Much like how we cats build our Clan, yet so different."

"Are they a threat?"Owlgaze asked, pacing uneasily a few feet away.

"They shouldn't be,"Wonderstar murmured thoughtfully. "But keep an eye on them, if they get closer, tell me."
They got to their paws, flicking their tail for the others to follow.

Spiderpaw stayed behind, though, glancing around in awe.
It was so cool! He'd never been this close to Two-legs before!

Ripplestrike hurried over to him, her mew confused. "What are you doing? We're leaving now."

"Wait,"Spiderpaw meowed desperately. "Don't you want to know what's it's like to be close to Two-legs?"

"Ummmm, no?"Ripplestrike nudged Spiderpaw. "Come on!"

"We won't get hurt, I promise!"He whined.

"Spiderpaw... this is going to sound completely horrible, but,"Ripplestrike sent him a nervous smile. "I don't fully trust you?"

"What? Why!?"Spiderpaw huffed.

"Umm...Your whole thing with Brookstorm? It scared me, that's all."She ruffled her fur uncomfortably, shifting her paws.
"Now, I'd really like to be going-"

"Okay, just let me get something."Spiderpaw sighed, glancing back to the Two-leg holding the circular food.

I want that.

Ripplestrike watched him with an exasperated expression as he pushed through the bush and out into the clearing.

The Two-legs didn't seem to notice
— or care — that he was there, and he padded over to the male holding the food.

I sure hope this works...

He let out a purr, rubbing against its feet. Gimme food!

To Spiderpaw's surprise, the Two-leg bent down and placed the object on the ground, patting his head before stomping off.

Weird, Spiderpaw thought, wrinkling his nose. I thought he'd scare me away, or something.

He grasped if between his teeth, its sugary taste creating sparks of flavour on his tongue.

He felt like he shouldn't eat it, but so, so wanted to.

He glanced around, dove for the shelter of a Two-leg pillar, and started to wolf it down.

He got halfway done it when a shadow fell over him and Ripplestrike's gray and white pelt became visible. "What is that?"Her mew was curious and interested.

"I don't know, but it's good!"Spiderpaw shrugged, shoving it over to her.

She sniffed it tentatively, then took a small bite.
Her pupils went wide, and she let out a small, pitiful mew, scarfing down the rest hungrily.
"That was DELICIOUS!"

Spiderpaw stepped back, a bit frightened. What have I done?

Made a cat happy! ^_^

"I NEED more!"Ripplestrike purred deeply, glancing up at a Two-leg kit as it thundered over to her, its tiny arms outstretched.

"KITTY!"It boomed, its long fur on its head bouncing up and down as it ran.
"Kawlkednlaa KITTY! Nsiwhdnsn!"She spoke in some nonsense language Spiderpaw couldn't understand.

"Will she feed me?"Ripplestrike didn't move as the Two-leg kit picked her up, cradling her close to her chest.

"This isn't food..?"Ripplestrike suddenly shook her head, seeming have her full mind back. "SPIDERPAW, HELP ME!!!"She shrieked, wriggling in the kit's hold.

But the Two-leg tightened her grasp, running over to a small monster that lay asleep in the grass.She opened the door, shoved Ripplestrike in, climbed in as well, and shut the door behind her.

"Oh StarClan, this is all my fault!"Spiderpaw growled in anger.

"I should probably get out of here, though." He sighed, hurrying over to where he last spotted Wonderstar and Owlgaze standing.

He sniffed, smelling their scent leading toward camp.
Surely they didn't start home without us?

Fortunately, he quickly caught up them, and nudged Wonderstar sharply on the shoulder. "Wonderstar! Bad news!"

"Knowing you, it's probably something horrible."Wonderstar rolled their eyes, turning to watch Spiderpaw begin to pace.

"I was curious about the Two-legs,"He started, his words tumbling over each other. "So I went to investigate.I saw a Two-leg holding some circle food, and it smelt so good, I just HAD to try it-"

"Of course."Wonderstar muttered.
They then sighed, dipping their head for the apprentice to continue.

"Then, the Two-leg just GAVE it to me.So I started eating it.Well, Ripplestrike wanted some, and now she's been taken by a Two-leg kit and is stuck in a monster going StarClan knows where."He finished, gulping for air.

"Well, that was not what I was expecting."Wonderstar meowed in surprise.

"I knew it!"Owlgaze wailed. "We're all gonna die!"

"Drama king."Wonderstar glanced at the brown furred tom, amused.

"Anyway,"They then turned back to Spiderpaw. "This is your fault, so you're going to come back here tomorrow with a fresh patrol and save her."


"No buts."Wonderstar growled sternly.
"It's about time some-cat taught you manners, and the rules."

Spiderpaw flinched at their harsh tone.
But I deserve this. I was mouse-brained.

"Yes, Wonderstar.."He mumbled to his mentor.

The calico cat's eyes softened. "Good. Now let's get home.We have some things to tell the Clan."

Spiderpaw nodded weakly.

He felt a sharp pain in his stomach, but ignored it.

It's probably nothing...

(Word count: 1037)

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