Chapter One- Near Drowned

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Spiderpaw sighed, re-adjusting the moss that was dangling in his jaws.
He had been sent out to collect bedding for the nursery, much to his dislike.

"Why do I have to? There are plenty other apprentices that could be doing this."He wrinkled his nose in disgust, shaking his head.

It always seemed to him, that he got all the hard jobs, and the other apprentices got easy stuff, like training and hunting.He got chores, they got fun.

Huffing, Spiderpaw hurried forward, eager to be done with this so he could train with his mentor, or eat some prey.
His stomach grumbled hungrily, and he tried to remember when he last ate.
Yesterday morning, I'd say.

He spotted Forestpaw crouched down low, watching a blackbird pecking at a nut.The brown tom's tail flicked slowly, and he licked his lips.He crept forward, one paw at a time, till finally, he lunged forward, clamping his jaws firmly around the bird's wing.
It let out a squawk of terror as the apprentice ended its life.

Spiderpaw set down his moss, meowing a half-hearted, "Good catch, Forestpaw."
Jealousy burned within Spiderpaw, but he shook his fur, picking up his bedding once again.

"Thanks!"Forestpaw smiled, trotting over with his tail held high.The bird swung in his mouth, and he almost dropped it.

"Why does Pinespeck keep making you do those kinds of jobs?"Forestpaw asked, licking his chest and paws. "Snowdropfall sends me hunting and trains with me all the time."He shrugged.

"Yeah, well, mabye Pinespeck knows I shouldn't waste my time with that stuff, because I'm already good at it."Spiderpaw grumbled, staring at his paws.

Just then, a fluffy white she-cat padded over to them, a mouse hanging by its tail in her mouth. "Hello, boys."she purred, setting down her prey.

"Hi, Snowdropfall!" Forestpaw greeted his mentor with a lick on her drooped ear. "Spiderpaw and I were just talking about how he gets stuck with all the chores."

Her eyes went soft with sympathy "Some day you'll get to train and hunt.I bet Pinespeck is just making sure you're best at carrying moss.It's probably just a test, or something."

Spiderpaw wasn't sure about that, but decided to change the subject. "So, how's your day been so far?"

Forestpaw tilted his head, his usual friendly look now an overly thoughtful one. "It's been great! Snowdropfall and I are going to go battle train after we hunt a bit more and drop this prey off, right?"

"Yes,"Snowdropfall nodded, glancing up at the sky. "Before it gets to dark."

"Well then, I should head back.I still have to eat something and see if Pinespeck wants to do anything."Spiderpaw shrugged, picking up his bedding.

"Okay! See you later!"Forestpaw waved his tail in farewell, continuing his chat with his mentor.

Spiderpaw stomped his way through the woods, making his way toward his camp.He wasn't really in the mood for energetic cats being all happy.
The world is a terrible place.

I'm not important.

He neared a stream, and leapt onto a rock, trying to jump from one to another to get across the stream.His paw slid on the smooth surface, and he felt his body falling forward.

He let out a shriek, and the moss dropped out of his mouth.His body was submerged in water, and he immediately closed his eyes, pumping his legs furiously.

He swam to the top, gasping for air as his head broke into the open.
He was swirling down the river at a tremendous speed, heading for sharp rocks.

Sharp rocks!? Since when are there sharp rocks here!?

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