Chapter Two

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Spiderpaw shook his fur out, stepping
closer to the border between FalconClan territory and RavenClan territory.He was extremely nervous to be doing this.

They should know I have smelt their scent on our territory, right? Or mabye they'll just get mad.

The other day, Spiderpaw had been patrolling (for, like, the first time ever)
and thought he smelt RavenClan Warrior on his side of the border.
So now he was heading over there to give them a piece of his mind.

Slowing to a stop, he gazed over the bushes and shrubs, looking for a patrol.
He smelled nearby cats, and decided to call out, "Hello!?"

The ferns rustled as Speckledflower emerged, her head held high, eyes narrowed as she glared at him. "What? Here to rob me of my herbs?"She had some green leaf tucked in her mouth.

The scent made Spiderpaw's mouth water, but he shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "No, I've come to talk with someone, either your leader or some warriors."

Suspicion blazed strongly in Speckledflower's eyes, but they nodded slowly. "I'll bring Bonestar here right away.Stay put, and don't you dare think about crossing the border, fuzz-brain."They turned quickly, heading off toward their camp.

"I wasn't going to."He muttered, sitting down to wait, his ears twitching as he listened for sounds around the forest.

He heard the soft chirping of birds in the trees; drilling of Two-legs far away; howling of the wind in the branches of the oaks.
A babbling brook rumbled nearby, fish splashing and leaping in it as they enjoyed the lovely day.

It was pretty nice out, despite the scorching sun.Sun was good, just too much was a bit annoying.

Spiderpaw guessed all the elders were laying on rocks in the sun, bathing in the wondrous warmth.Their old bones probably felt much better after they got their daily sunbathe.

A few moments later, Speckledflower returned, leading a greyish white furred tom with her.He looked suspicious, and slightly hostile, but dipped his head in greeting nonetheless. "Hello, Spiderpaw, is it?"

"Yes,"Spiderpaw nodded, shifting his paws, suddenly nervous. "I just wanted to, um, talk to you..."

"About what?"Bonestar's eyebrow raised as he watched the apprentice. "Why not your leader? Is Wonderstar alright? Are they sick?"

"No!"Spiderpaw sighed, flicking his tail in annoyance. "Wonderstar is fine.I just thought I smelt RavenClan scent on our territory yesterday, so I came to see what that was about."

"I have not be informed of any-cat crossing the border,"Bonestar meowed coolly. "But if I do, I'll try and fix it."

"You better,"Spiderpaw growled all of a sudden, anger spewing from him in heavy waves. "Or else."

Bonestar only seemed amused, although his eyes widened ever so slightly. "Or else, what?"

"Or else....I'll bring Wonderstar over and they'll bite off your head!"Spiderpaw snarled, his snout wrinkling.

Speckledflower snorted, as if either trying to stop from laughing, or choking in horror.

"Hmmm, I don't believe Wonderstar would do that,"Bonestar's whiskers twitched. "But I guess we'll see what happens.Good day, Spiderpaw.Hope to see you soon."He got up, flicking his tail for Speckledflower to follow.
He bounded away, disappearing in the forest greenery.

Speckledflower stayed for a moment more, just to whisper one word before following her leader, "Be careful, Spiderpaw."

Spiderpaw watched their tail as they raced away, trying to think why he'd have to 'be careful'.
Was there something she wasn't telling him?

Shrugging, Spiderpaw turned and started making his way back to camp.
It's probably not that important. Everyone has to be careful around here.Badger and foxes might attack you, even other cats.
It's not always a lovely place.

Darting across the ground, he lunged for a vole, which had suddenly shown up.His paws scuffed empty ground and he turned his head to see the vole heading for a burrow. Panicking slightly, Spiderpaw tore after it, his hind legs digging up dirt and propelling him forward.He leapt, paws outstretched, and felt his claws sink into warm flesh.

A small, pitiful squeak was cut off as Spiderpaw bit the vole's neck, swiping blood off his muzzle with his tongue.
His hunt was successful, barely.

"Good catch!"Milkypaw mewed, padding over with a stick of cobwebs in his mouth.

"Thanks."Spiderpaw puffed out his chest, lifting his chin.He licked it when cats watched his hunting, although sometimes it was just creepy.

"What are you doing out here?"He asked the black furred medicine apprentice.

"Collecting cobwebs for Spiritflight,"Milkypaw replied, sitting down heavily. "She said we were getting low, and it is one of the most common and useful herbs we have.If you'd even call it a 'herb'."

"What about you?"He then added, setting down his stick.

"Oh, uhhh....I was just hunting."Spiderpaw mewed carefully, not wanting to reveal that he had been talking to the leader of RavenClan.

"All day?"Milkypaw's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Yes."Spiderpaw nodded, shifting his paws nervously.

"Then where's all your prey?"


"Oh, ummm...I think I left it by the pine tree far, far away from here."Spiderpaw shrugged. "I'll go get it now."

"Wait,"Milkypaw rose to his paws, blocking Spiderpaw from moving. "Where were you, really? Please tell me!"

Rage seared Spiderpaw, and his fur felt hot and stuffy.His neck fur bristled and he backed up. "I don't have to tell you! I was hunting! Now move,

He shoved Milkypaw aside, ignoring the black tom's look of utter hurt.
He would be fine in an hour, Spiderpaw thought bitterly.

Spiderpaw left with a flounce, his tail snapping to and fro.He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to be alone.

Milkypaw must've decided to leave him be, for when Spiderpaw looked back, he was gone, leaving his stick on the ground.

Freezing in place, Spiderpaw groaned.
He should probably deliver those to the camp.
But he didn't want to, so he shouldn't have to, right?

Growling, he stalked over to the cobwebs and glared at them. "Look how much trouble you caused me, stupid stick."He clenched it between his teeth, heading down a narrow, dirt path.

The wind whistled in the sky, carrying sounds from afar.Dogs barking, Two-legs shouting; monsters driving on the thunderpaths.

He had always secretly wanted to go over a thunderpath.To show Pinespeck that he could do it, and do become,
'Cool'.Everyone knew the coolest cats were the ones that crossed a thunderpath successfully.

Or that's what his mother told him when he was little.

So he decided something.Something fun, something daring.

Tomorrow, bright and early, he'd cross a thunderpath.

(Word count: 1,108)

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