Chapter Twenty^Two

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Spiderpaw let out a deep breath, the HawkClan patrol consisting of Brookstar, Gingerheart, Wiltedsap, Poppygaze and Cloudystone following them toward RavenClan territory.

Ripplestrike looked stressed, muscles tense and tail bristled at the tip.She kept gazing at the cats around her with uneasy eyes.

Spiderpaw understood her concern.
What would Ravenpaw think when cats from both other Clans showed up in their camp?

"We'll be fine,"Primrose's sweet, hypnotizing meow sounded from his right, causing him to flinch, turning to look at her.She smiled warmly. "Don't worry, Spiderpaw, RavenClan won't overreact.Bonestar is intimidating, but he's not dumb.He'll make the right decision."

"Thanks, Primrose."Spiderpaw blinked at her.He wondered if she would join the Clan once all this was over with.

She dipped her head, padding over to Birchpaw, who also looked worried, whispering in her ear.

Argyle walked along the edge of the group, fur bristling in a sad attempt to hide her hostility and uncertainty.
Ravenpaw had her eyes fixed on the back of the white and ginger she-cat's head, eyes clouded in thought.

A RavenClan patrol rounded the corner, eyes widening in fear and shock. "It's an ambush! Retreat to camp and warn Bonestar!"one yowled, already whipping around.

"No, wait!"Rippelstrike screeched, breaking into a sprint as the patrol didn't stop, rushing toward their camp.

"Mouse-dung!"Brookstorm spat, trying not to make Bubble fall off his back as he sped up, right behind Spiderpaw.

They entered the camp just as Hazellight shouted, "Bonestar, ambush!"

Bonestar sprung out of his den, green eyes blazing as his eyes landing on all the cats swarming in. "What is the meaning of this!?"

Ripplestrike skidded to a stop. "It's not what it looks like! We're here to warn you."

"About?"Bonestar narrowed his eyes, his deputy Silverheart sitting down next to him, hazel eyes gleaming.

Speckledflower and Yarrowpaw peeked their heads out of the medicine den.

"Shakenpaw gathered some friends, called the Shadow Paws, and is coming to destroy the Clans!"Ripplestrike gasped.

"Shakenpaw!? He's still alive?"Hazellight gazed in horror at Ripplestrike, who nodded at her.

"Ugh, we should have killed him."
Firepool snarled, her orange-red eyes glaring at them.

"Silence."Bonestar snapped, gazing at Brookstar who was standing beside Spiderpaw. "Is this true, Brookstar?"

The calico nodded. "Yes, I believe so? I know just as much as you do."

"Okay,"Bonestar shrugged. "I believe you."

"That's it?"Spiderpaw snorted, pelt growing hot as all eyes turned to him.

"What do you want - or expect - from me, young one?"Bonestar gazed coolly at Spiderpaw.

"Umm- an allegiance? If we all teamed up, we could destroy or drive out the Shadow Paws for good."Spiderpaw flicked his tail.

"Is that so.."he mumbled, turning to Silverheart and Speckledflower with curious eyes. "What do you think? Become allies with the other Clans, or not?"

"We'd have to ask Wonderstar first,"Ripplestrike put in. "They don't know we're back yet."

"You can ask me now, Ripplestrike."Wonderstar chuckled, swooshing dramatically down into the camp, Spiritflight, Silverpuddle, Snowdropfall, Sunpaw and Forestpaw trailing behind them.

Swirlbelly let out a grunt, eyeing the new cats. "Miswell let everyone into our camp."she snorted.

"Sunpaw!"Spiderpaw grinned, stepping forward to bump heads with the golden tom, who gave him a lazy smile.

"Hey, Spiderpaw.I see you found your sister."he nodded to Ravenpaw, who dipped her head.


As the leaders, deputies and medicine cats slunk off to discuss things, the RavenClan cats hurried into their dens, the camp crowded.

"They just ran away from their future allies."Forestpaw frowned, watching Firepool glare at Deerspots from the Warrior den.

"Oh well."Spiderpaw snorted.

Sunpaw, Birchpaw, Forestpaw, Ravenpaw and Spiderpaw sat in the middle of the clearing, talking.

"The Clan has been fine,"Forestpaw explained. "Ashentail's kits, Splotchkit and Graykit are getting bigger everyday, though not as big as Magpieheart's."

"Mildewpaw misses you."Sunpaw nodded to Spiderpaw.

Spiderpaw felt his face grow hot, Ravenpaw smirking at him.
"Oh..."he mumbled, gazing at his paws.

Argyle waltzed over, plopping down between Birchpaw and Ravenpaw. "What's up, dweebs?"

"What is a dweeb?"Sunpaw tilted his head so quickly, it smacked Spiderpaw, who let out a hiss.

"Nothing."Argyle grinned, Ravenpaw cuffing her over the ear lightly.

"It's good to see so many apprentices again,"Birchpaw smiled weakly. "Though I am worried still."

"We all are,"Sunpaw meowed. "It's normal right now."

"Clan meeting!"Bonestar called.

Spiderpaw turned to look at him, snorting in amusement as he saw all three leaders clinging to the meeting rock, fur sticking out.Brookstar's eyes were wide as she stood, smudged between Bonestar and Wonderstar.

All three deputies and medicine cats sat at the base of it, watching the Clans gather.

"We've decided we are going to make an allegiance,"Bonestar began, voice so sure and determined, it sent shivers down Spiderpaw's spine. "To defeat the Shadow Paws we must work together."

"And where are the Shadow Paws?"Firepool sneered, voice full of venom.She clearly wasn't happy about the whole 'ally' thing.

"We're not sure,"the greyish white tom admitted. "But when they strike, we'll be ready."

"How do you know that? They could be gathering more and more cats as we speak!"Hazellight wailed. "You shouldn't have kicked Shakenpaw out!"

"We're all going to die!"Rosepaw cried, trying to run but tripping over Starlingpaw's tail and falling flat on her snout.

Swiftnettle growled, wrapping her tail protectively over her kits and pulling them closer, Sprucefin looking scared, her swollen stomach heaving as she sat up, ready to run.

"Calm down!"Wonderstar snapped.

"You're all going to be fine,"Brookstar added calmly, sitting down. "We will protect you.This fight will not be for nothing, it is for our safety."she gazed sympathetically at the queens.

"Are you sure we can defeat them? Isn't there, like, 50 Shadow Paws?"Harewhisker frowned.

"Of course not, mouse-brain! There's, like, 30."Ambertwist snorted, nudging his side with a claw.

"There's actually only four."Spiderpaw lifted his chin.

"Plus Shakenpaw and Viperclaw, so six."Birchpaw added.

"Six!?"Cricketleap gasped. "That's, like......20!!"

"What is wrong with my Clanmates..."Ghostwhisper grumbled.

"We will send you home now, but remember: always be aware and ready."Bonestar dipped his head.

"Clan dismissed."

Word count: 1042

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