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Spiderscar yawned, turning to gaze at Mildewcrackle, who's head was resting on his back.Her eyes were closed and her chest lurched with every breath.

"Good morning, Mildewcrackle." Spiderscar whispered, shifting into a sitting position as she awoke and lifted her head.

"Morning, Spiderscar."she mumbled sleepily, blinking the tiredness out of her eyes.

He stretched, walking out of the den and immediately yelping as something fluffy collided with his side.

"What was that?"he snapped, looking down to see Leafpaw shaking his head on the ground.He leapt up with a smile.

"Sorry, Spiderscar! I didn't see you there! I was just getting my mother something to eat before her, Branchpaw and me go hunting!"
Leafpaw rambled excitedly, which quite surprised Spiderscar.He was usually the more quiet one.

Then, without even a goodbye, Leafpaw was gone, tearing through the camp with a vole in his jaws.

He turned to go back in the den to see if Mildewcrackle was hungry, and flinched as Flowerblossom stumbled out, her stomach heavy with kits.
Her eyes seemed clearer than yesterday, when they appeared foggy, which was good.

"Hello, Spiderscar,"Flowerblossom smiled. "Can you get Mildewcrackle and I some prey, please?"

"Of course."Spiderscar murmured, already heading for the prey pile.
He grimaced as he saw the prey pile.It only had two small squirrels and a tiny mouse left.He picked up the squirrels reluctantly and took them back to the nursery.

I'll have to go hunting with the others later.

This leaf-fall is already savage, I can't even imagine what leaf-bare is going to be like.

Entering the nursery again, Spiderscar dropped the squirrel at his mate's paws, who smiled warmly up at him.Her swollen stomach heaved as she lifted her head to lick his chin. "Thank you."

"Now, I better go hunting, but I'll see you later, okay? If you need anything, get Spiritflight or Milkywish, alright?"
Spiderpaw murmured, frowning.

"Of course,"Mildewcrackle purred, bending to take a bite of her squirrel. "You've told me this at least fifty times.I'll be fine.It's not even like the kits are due anytime soon."

Nodding, Spiderscar slipped out of the den.He hurried for the warriors den, poking his head in. "Sunspark,
Forestdapple, Birchcut, Stormnose and Ravenflight, want to go hunting?"

Sunspark raised his head sleepily. "Really, Spiderscaaarrr....this earrrly?"
he yawned, Birchcut waking up with a start beside him.

"Sure, let's go!"Forestdapple meowed, leaping to his paws. "I'm more than ready!"he nudged Stormnose, rushing out of the den.

Stormnose looked startled, shaking her head to fluff out her fur. "Uhhh-come on Ravenflight!"she mewed, nudging her friend before padding out.

Spiderscar ducked his head out, starting for the exit after them, aware of Sunspark trailing behind.

"So,"Spiderscar meowed, as they headed deeper into their territory. "where do you guys wanna hunt today? Forestdapple always picks out the best spots."

Forestdapple shrugged. "I'll let someone else choose, today!"he purred lightly, leaping softly over a fallen branch, Spiderscar scrambling un-gracefully after him.

"Really?!"Sunspark beamed. "I will! I know where we can hunt, follow me!"he suddenly darted left, and everyone crashed through the bushes after the golden tom.

Assuming they were headed for the dry clearing, where most birds hung out, Spiderscar slowed down as it came in sight.But Sunspark kept on running, scaring a flock of black-birds up into the trees as he whirled by.

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