Chapter Eighteen

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"I can't believe he'd betray us like this."Birchpaw stared at the ground, sinking her claws in and out of the ground.

"I can,"Spiderpaw growled. "I never trusted him."
He lashed his tail angrily, baring his white teeth.

"We know that,"Brookstorm rolled his eyes. "You've told us, like, fifty times now."

Ripplestrike and Dewmelody remained silent, seeming deep in thought.

Deerspots had began pacing, a light frown on his face, although the didn't look worried. "Can the Shadow Paws and Shakenpaw really defeat all the Clans?"

"I'm sure they can, if they really want to."Ripplestrike snarled suddenly, standing up so quickly, she knocked Dewmelody over sideways.
"Those mange-pelts can do whatever the they please! No one is there to stop them."

"Then we have to go get my sister and go stop them."Spiderpaw shrugged, as if it was that simple.

"Are we almost to where your sister is?"Brookstorm curled his tail.

"I think so? I'm not exactly sure, Sunpaw didn't tell me much."
Spiderpaw frowned, glancing up at the trees. "I can see Tall Oaks from here, so mabye another days walk?"

"Then let's move,"Dewmelody mewed sternly, standing up. "We have to daylight to waste.Move your paws every-cat!"

Spiderpaw fell in line with Birchpaw, and sighed.
He glanced sideways at her, and saw she looked distressed. She was usually so happy, that it pained Spiderpaw to see her like that.
"You alright, Birchpaw?"

"I don't know."she admitted with a sigh. "It's just.....Everything is happening so fast.Things and cats are disappearing in the blink of an eye.Shakenpaw was like a brother to me....what if he is lost to evil forever?"

Spiderpaw remained silent a moment, then opened his mouth to say, "Well...I'm not exactly sure, but, Shakenpaw doesn't seem evil.If I learned anything, it's that he just is easily convinced.I'm sure it'll be fine."

Birchpaw opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off as she rammed into Ripplestrike's hindquarters.
The deputy had froze, ears perked.

"Shhhh!"Ripplestrike hissed quietly, angling her ears in all directions.
Her paw was lifted slightly off the ground, frozen in place.

The sound of rustling caused Spiderpaw to look to the left, and he blinked as he saw a cat emerge from the bushes.

She slunk out of the bush, not looking scared at all.
She had sleek white fur, light reddish orange eyes, a pink hew to her whiskers, a long, silky tail and a narrow muzzle. "Hello, Clan-kitties.I see you're far from home."she mused, sitting down and wrapping her gorgeous tail around her petite paws.

"Who're you?"Dewmelody narrowed her eyes suspiciously, stepping a bit closer to the rogue.

"The name's Primrose,"she chortled. "And you are?"

"Dewmelody.This is Ripplestrike, Deerspots, Brookstorm, Spiderpaw and Birchpaw.We are currently missing a member."she replied, nodding to each cat as she spoke their name.

"Lovely!"Primrose shrilled. "I don't suppose you know Viperclaw?"

"We heard his name, but don't actually know him."Spiderpaw answered, before Dewmelody could.

"Oh, alright.He's a friend of mine.I catered to him whilst he was traveling."she waved her tail, dismissing that topic. "I decided to go for a long walk.It's never fun staying in once place, I tell you.Way too boring, if you ask me."

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but we really must be going-"Ripplestrike went to move, but was startled as Primrose gasped dramatically and rushed in front of the front of the deputy.

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