Chapter Twenty^Seven

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"Wonderstar is dead!"Spiderpaw screeched, glancing around for anyone who could help drag his body back to camp.

But around him everyone was fighting, and no one even stopped to stare or react to Spiderpaw's claim.

Do they not believe me?

Sighing, he sunk his teeth into Wonderstar's scruff and pulled the cat slowly up to the tom of the camp, grunting with the effort.
As he glanced back down his eyes widened in horror as he saw Birchpaw slice her claws over Shakenpaw's neck, and the black tom drop limp on the ground.

"Not my problem."he mumbled, dragging the leader farther along the ground, heading toward camp.
Their tail got snagged on a thorn branch and Spiderpaw lurched forward and flopped on the ground.

"This is impossible!"he huffed, not bothering to get up as he laid on the cold hard ground.

"Here, let me help you."a random cat said, appearing seemingly out of thin air.She dipped her head till her eyes were level with Spiderpaw's. "Okay?"

"Fine...But who are you?"Spiderpaw stumbled to his paws, grasping ahold of Wonderstar's scruff again as the random cat took his tail.

"Someone not important."she answered firmly, unwilling to give away any more info.

As they hauled the leader closer and closer to camp, Spiderpaw smelt blood, strong, metallic waves of blood, and nearly dropped Wonderstar in disgust.

"I should have known The Shadow Paws would attack here."he growled darkly. "Let's leave Wonderstar here in the bushes and return for them later."he set them down.

But when he turned to see the cat, she was gone, making him frown in confusion.

Shrugging, he raced into camp, groaning as he saw dead bodies lying on the ground, cats limping toward the medicine den and cats fighting everywhere.

He saw Maplestar, Slatescar and one unknown cat cornering a small group of cats, and Spiderpaw, to his horror, realized they were Primrose, Stormpaw and Magpieheart, the queen's tail wrapped protectively around her kits.

Rushing over to them he leapt in front of Magpieheart and growled, unsheathing his claws. "Get away from here, Shadow Paws, and never return!"

Maplestar snorted, gazing down at him. "No.Pathetic things like you don't give orders to me."

"Yeah! Maplestar only takes orders from herself! Or mabye from Wolfscar sometimes."Slatescar hissed, clawing Primrose over the head.

The tom who was beside them remained quiet, shifting his paws from where he sat. " this really what you wanted? For innocent cats to die?"

"No cat is truly innocent, Moldy.They all deserve death, and I'm here to simply help them."she grinned widely, red and yellow stained teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

Moldy seemed uncertain, but lunged at Stormpaw anyway, attacking her with multiple deadly scratches.

"Now get out do the way, puny mortal, and let me destroy little queeny and her kits."Maplestar snapped, shoving aside Spiderpaw with ease.

Slatescar screeched in pain as Primrose caught her shoulder with a claw, and the two she-cats shared a look of surprise and sadness. "I'm sorry, Slatescar..."Primrose mumbled, backing away from the Shadow Paw.

Maplestar reared up on her back legs, ready to bring her clawed paws down on Magpieheart's head.Leafkit and Branchkit squirmed underneath her, and the queen desperately tried to shush them.

As Maplestar brought her paws down, Primrose suddenly leapt in the way to block the hit, her head getting crushed under the leader's paws.She let out a whimper as her head cracked, blood immediately pooling out around Magpieheart's paws.

The queen winced, scooping her kits up and dashing away into the nursery, panic bright in her eyes.

"W-why would she do that!?"Maplestar snarled, pulling her paws away and gazing down at Primrose in slight horror.

"She wasn't the only one who would have, I'm pretty sure we all would've.(Except Spiderboi) That's just what Clanmates do, risk there lives for each other, especially for queens and kits."
Spiderpaw whispered.

"That's extremely stupid."Maplestar growled. "Shadow Paws, move out.Our mission is done."she hollered, starting out of the camp.

She turned and faced Spiderpaw. "But this isn't over, Spiderpaw.Even if you think it is.It will never be over."


"Clan meeting!"Ripplestar gazed down at the cats gathered below, sadness in her eyes.She'd just gone to the Moonpool with Spiritflight and returned as leader, after burying Wonderstar, and was now ready to appoint a deputy.

"I've thought hard about this,"she began. "asked StarClan for help deciding..You are all amazing Warriors, and I'm glad to have you as Clanmates."

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice,"

"Dewmelody will be the new deputy."
Ripplestar gazed approvingly down at the fluffy she-cat, who looked surprised as she stood up, dipping her head, and sat at the base of the meeting rock.

"Now, before I call this meeting to a quite, we've got some apprentice to make into Warriors."Ripplestar smiled warmly, eyes flicking from Spiderpaw to the other apprentices.

"Spiderpaw step forward."Ripplestar meowed, gaze never leaving Spiderpaw's head as she leapt down beside him.

"I, Ripplestar, leader of FalconClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.Spiderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Spiderpaw dipped his head, then lifted his chin, eyes sparkling. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name.Spiderpaw, from this moment, you shall be known as Spiderscar.StarClan honors your bravery and courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior or FalconClan."
Ripplestar rested her muzzle on Spiderscar's head and he licked her shoulder.

"Spiderscar! Spiderscar! Spiderscar!"
everyone cheered.

Then, Ripplestrike did the same thing for all the other apprentices, each one determinedly saying, "I do."

"Forestdapple! Sunspark! Mildewcrackle!
Ravenflight! Stormnose! Birchcut!"

Spiderscar smiled at his fellow newly warriors, pride making his chest feel warm and fuzzy.Sunspark sent him a grin, which he gladly returned.

He had a feeling this vigil wouldn't be so bad.


Word count: 1041

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