Chapter Fourteen

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Spiderpaw woke up, his whole body sore.He felt like he had been sleeping on pure rock.

They hadn't had time to search for bedding, so they decided their fur would be enough for one night.

Spiderpaw didn't like it.

He grunted, sitting up and gazing around the den, begging his eyes to adjust a bit faster.

He narrowed his eyes, watching Shakenpaw wriggle and twitch in his sleep.

He didn't trust the RavenClan apprentice.Not.One.Bit.

Birchpaw stirred beside him, lifting her head sleepily and looking around.
"Morning, Spiderpaw."
she murmured.

"Morning, Birchpaw."he nodded, starting his short morning groom.
He washed the dirt and dust out of his fur, making it shine and gleam.

He just then noticed that Dewmelody and Ripplestrike were gone.

"Discussing things outside." Deerspots mewed coolly, from his place in the shadowy corner.He had been watching Spiderpaw for the last few moments.

"Oh, okay.."Spiderpaw hurried out of the den, creeped out.

Sure enough, Ripplestrike and Dewmelody had their heads lowered and were whispering quietly just outside the den.

Shakenpaw stumbled out, immediately falling and hitting his chin on the ground.
He grunted, standing up with wobbly legs.

Spiderpaw snorted, rolling his eyes.
"Clumsy frog-spit."

Shakenpaw pouted, crawling off to sulk sadly in a corner.

"Be nice."Deerspots hissed harshly, turning to say something to Ripplestrike.

Spiderpaw just rolled his eyes again.


Spiderpaw — who was now in a worse mood than normal — shook his fur impatiently. "Let's get going, please."

Dewmelody, who had ducked out of the huddle, nodded.

Shakenpaw stood up and stumbled toward them. "I am!"

"One moment!"Birchpaw squeaked, licking her fur quickly and rising to her paws.

"Let's move out then."Ripplestrike led the way, Shakenpaw hurrying beside her.

Spiderpaw sighed.He was impatient to find his sister.What if she was dead by the time they got there?

He trotted alongside Deerspots, glancing this way and that.

"The border is right up ahead."Shakenpaw mewed, flicking his tail.

Right as it came into view, thundering footsteps sounding and a RavenClan patrol halted in front of them.

"Shakenpaw?"Ambertwist's confused and worried voice sounded.

Shakenpaw's fur bristled. "Oh, uh...Hi, Ambertwist..."he mumbled.

"What are you doing here!? And with FalconClan cats?"the black and hazel coloured she-cat blinked.

"They needed help! I was just escorting them through our territory!"he protested.

"I'm disappointed in you, Shakenpaw.Come on, everyone.I'm taking you to see Bonestar."
Ambertwist growled, whisking her tail and heading toward their camp.

Darkfinch, Spotpaw and Firepool  surrounded Spiderpaw and his friends, slightly hostile looks on their faces.

Entering the camp, cats whispered as they watched them.Silverheart, who was sitting by the prey pile, immediately hurried over to them.

"What's going on?"she murmured, eyes flicking between the FalconClan cats and her own.

"We found Shakenpaw herding these cats across out territory.Without Bonestar's permission."Ambertwist explained.

Bonestar pushed out of his den, eyes narrowing as he gazed at them.He stopped in front of Ripplestrike. "What's going on?"

Silverheart quickly explained, and the two whispered amongst themselves.
Speckledflower joined them, her eyes curious.

Bonestar broke off, glaring at Shakenpaw. "How could you? You didn't bother to ask anyone."

Shakenpaw trembled. "Sorry! The other apprentice was threatening me!"
he blurted.

Bonestar, Shakenpaw, Speckledflower and Silverheart all looked at Spiderpaw.

"Not true!"Spiderpaw shook his head.

"I'm disappointed in you."Bonestar growled. "And with the help of my deputy and medicine cat, we've decided your punishment."

Shakenpaw looked scared, pressing his fur up against Birchpaw, who looked sympathetic.

"I don't think you deserve death, for it wasn't that bad.But, you shall be kicked out of RavenClan.We cannot allow this in our Clan.Although, I will allow you and the FalconClan cats to exit our territory."Bonestar's gaze swept over his Clan and the patrol.

Shakenpaw's eyes widened and he whimpered. "I-Yes, Bonestar.."
He dipped his head, turning around to face Spiderpaw.

"Let's go."he mewed sulkily.

Spiderpaw sighed.
He just wanted to be moving quicker.This delayed them by a lot.

Ripplestrike nodded to Shakenpaw, who glumly stumbled out of the camp.

Bonestar watched with narrowed eyes.

"Walk faster please."Dewmelody hissed quietly, bumping his side with hers.

"I'm trying to!"Spiderpaw hissed back, picking up the pace.

He ran up to trot beside Shakenpaw, suddenly feeling a bit guilty.
"Are you okay?"

Shakenpaw flinched, glancing anxiously at Spiderpaw. "I'm okay, but, are you!?"

Rolling his eyes, Spiderpaw let out a growl. "How much farther till we're out of your territory?"

"Not mine anymore."he mumbled.

"Yeah, whatever.Answer?"Spiderpaw snapped impatiently.

"Only a little farther.See that spruce stump? Right beyond there."Shakenpaw flicked an ear, nearly tripping on a root.

Spiderpaw raced ahead, hearing the wind in his ears.
He felt the breeze through his fur as he leapt over rocks, branches and bushes.
Before he knew it, the stump was under his paws.

He gazed out at the unknown land.
No Clan cat had ever travelled there.
But he was about to.

"This is it."Shakenpaw called, halting beside Spiderpaw.

Birchpaw appeared on his other side.
"This is so exciting!"she grinned.

Ripplestrike, Dewmelody and Deerspots hurried over.

"Ready? There's no turning back after this."Ripplestrike meowed.

"Ready."Birchpaw and Shakenpaw said in unison.

"Ready."Dewmelody looked determined.

"Ready as I'll ever be."Spiderpaw nodded.

A/N: This one was a bit shorter, sorry! I'll try to make the next one extra long. (I also didn't re-read it to correct mistakes cuz I'm tired lol.Sorry bout that)

(Word count: 881)

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