Chapter Four

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Spiderpaw padded into the HawkClan camp, his tail lowered and dragging in the dirt.His ear twitched as a fly landed on it.

Stupid flies, he thought with a grunt.

He heard muffled voices coming from the medicine den, and decided to head in and see what was going on.

I hope Brookstorm is feeling better. I did manage to find him a thrush yesterday.Wonder if he ate it.

Entering the den he spotted Gingerheart and Brookstar leaned over Brookstorm's body in the corner of the den.

"How is he?"Spiderpaw knelt down beside the tom.

"Not good,"Gingerheart sighed. "His breathing keeps getting slower and some of his wounds have started bleeding again."

Brookstorm coughed, his whole body shaking. "Am I...okay?"His voice was raspy, sounding sore.

Gingerheart closed his eyes. "I don't know.Rest and we'll see what happens."

Brookstar flicked her tail, leading Gingerheart to the exit. "We'll leave you alone now.Come, Spiderpaw."

"Just a moment."Spiderpaw dipped his head, then gazed at Brookstorm.

The blue-grey tom's breathing was coming in small gasps, his chest heaving.His eyes bulged. "Can't- breath....Head dizzy..."He let out a pained whimper, sending Spiderpaw a panicked look. ""
His mouth started foaming, and he coughed up blood.

Spiderpaw stood up swiftly. "What do I do!? Get Gingerheart?"

Brookstorm groaned, wriggling in his nest. "All...I feel is....pain....ugh..."

Spiderpaw was frozen to the ground.
I have to do something!

Brookstorm's eyes glazed over and he grunted, head dropping to the ground, silence following.
He was dead.

"No, no, no..."Spiderpaw backed up, his tail touching the wall, making him flinch. "No...."

"He can't be dead,"Spiderpaw gazed in horror at the limp body, looking so similar to when he was laying on the thunderpath. "He can't be.."

His own breathing stopped in his throat for a second, but he calmed down a bit and was able to breathe again.

Suddenly Spiderpaw felt a sharp poking in his side and awoke to see Gorgepaw nudging his side with a claw. "You were having a bad dream."She said, a slight accent to her voice.
Her sand coloured fur fluffed out as she watched him, her eyes twinkling.

Spiderpaw shook his head, mesmerized by her beauty.She really was a pretty young cat. I don't have time for love, especially with a cat from another Clan.

"Hello? Are you being possessed?"Gorgepaw nudged him again, her nose wrinkling in excitement.

"Wha- no."Spiderpaw shook his head, getting to his paws. "Is Brookstorm okay!?"

"Yes,"Gorgepaw looked at him weirdly
"He's sitting outside the medicine den.Why?"

"No reason."Spiderpaw shrugged, heading out into the clearing.He blinked, adjusting his eyes to the light.

Gorgepaw followed him, pushing past him.Electricity seemed to spark between them as their fur brushed.

"See? He's over there."She pointed her nose to where Brookstorm lay, sprawled out in the sun.

Spiderpaw winced at the tom, looking so bored and in pain.He approached him, keeping a distance between them, as if the wounded cat might suddenly lunge at him.

"How are you feeling?"Spiderpaw muttered, feeling awkwardness in the air around them.

Brookstorm grunted. "Why should you care?"

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