Chapter Twenty^Six- The Battle

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Spiderpaw sat down beside Forestpaw, rummaging through the nest underneath him with a paw.
He was making sure there were no thorns in it before he slept.
Finding none, he laid down with a grunt.

"Ready for sleep already?"Forestpaw sighed, glancing at him then at the other apprentices who were busy gossiping in the corner.

"Kind of,"Spiderpaw shrugged. "Why?"

"I want someone to talk to!"Forestpaw whimpered. "I don't like gossiping, but they all do.Please talk me to sleep..."

Spiderpaw held back the urge to roll his eyes, turning to face his friend. "Fine.What do you want to talk about?"

"What did you do today?"Forestpaw smiled, cuddling down into his bedding with a light sigh.

"Well, I shared some prey with Birchpaw and Sunpaw, then went training with Wonderstar! Then when we got back to camp, I chatted with Ravenpaw and Stormpaw, then we all watched Bubble for Brookstorm for a little while before we headed into the apprentice den."Spider titled his head in thought as he recalled his day.

As he glanced over at Forestpaw, he snorted as he saw the chocolatey cat's sides rising and falling as he slept.A light snore drifting from his parted mouth.

"Oh Forestpaw, you silly guy."Spoiderpawt yawned, burrowing his nose deep into the warm moss and trying to block out the gossipy murmurs from the other side of the den.

All was good and peaceful as he closed his eyes right, drifting asleep slowly.


"Spiderpaw! Get up!"Wonderstar yowled, ducking in the apprentice den they was empty other than him. "HawkClan needs our help! They're under attack by The Shadow Paws!"

Alarm surging through his pelt, he leapt up, determination flaring in his pale yellow eyes. "I'll go right away!"
he dipped his head to Wonderstar.

"Good, I'm on my way once I round up one more cat.There are already a few heading there now."they meowed urgently.

Taking off out of the camp, the ground became blurry under his paws as they thundered over the damp earth.Wet leaves threatened to make him slip, but he held his balance, leaping over rocks and logs in his way with little effort.
He quickly caught up to Snowdropfall, dipping his head to her as he sped past her.He hissed as a thorn branch sliced a small scratch in his side, but kept going.

As he neared the HawkClan camp, Shadow Paw smell flooded his nose and mouth, along with fresh blood.
Screaming and snarling smashed into his ears as soon as he entered the hollow of their camp.

Cats fighting cats. Everywhere.
It looked like the Shadow Paws had found more friends.

Without thinking, Spiderpaw leapt on a black and white cat, one he'd never seen before.He screeched in alarm, but didn't yell, "I'm a HawkClan warrior!" so he dug in with his claws, raking him over the back nastily.The tom wriggled desperately under him, rolling onto his back in attempt to throw him off.

But Spiderpaw held on good, although smashing his head on the ground when he rolled over.He bent his head and sunk his teeth into the tom's neck, but it loosened his grip on his back, and the black and white cat threw him off, quickly pouncing on him and holding him down by the chest, eyes gleaming.

He sunk his claws into Spiderpaw's chest and wiggling only made it worse.
Spiderpaw yowled, raking his stomach with his back paws in a sad attempt to be freed.Red started blurring his vision, and he felt this was the end.

Then a black blur flew through the air, and the scent of Ravenpaw made him sigh in relief.The pretty she-cat hooked her claws under the tom and heaved him off, Spiderpaw scrambling to his paws shakily.The two faced him side by side, aiming swipes at his head and chest, then darting away as he tried to return them.

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