Chapter Three- The Thunderpath

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The birds were just starting to wake as Spiderpaw slipped out of the apprentice den, fluffing out his fur.
It was decently warm, but there was a cool breeze that blew often.

He made his way toward the exit, trying to be as quiet as possible, avoiding sticks and clattery rocks.

He heard snoring coming from the warriors den.Probably Ripplestrike.

He stopped outside the camp, sniffing the air.The scent of cat flooded his nose, and he jumped as he heard a voice say, "What are you doing up this early?"

It was Brookstorm.

The blueish gray furred tom was keeping watch outside the camp. Of course.Spiderpaw should've known there'd be someone there.

"Oh, uh....I'm going hunting early? To get more prey as it's sleepy?"

"Most of it's probably sleeping,"Brookstorm snorted. "But alright.I'll come with you."

"No thanks,"Spiderpaw shook his head hastily. "I'm good."

Then an idea struck him. He needed someone to watch, so that they could tell the Clan he made it across a thunderpath.

"Fine,"Spiderpaw huffed. "You can come."

"I was going to anyway,"Brookstorm shrugged. "But okay, lead the way."

Spiderpaw headed toward the nearest thunderpath, which was near a small Two-leg village.

"Why are we going here? There won't be much prey here."Brookstorm mumbled, confused.

"I'm not actually hunting,"Spiderpaw admitted. "I'm crossing a thunderpath, and I want you to be my witness."

Brookstorm's eyes widened. "Why? That's very mouse-brained of you."

"Because it's cool! Don't you want to be cool? You could run across, too! It's so early in the morning, no monsters will be out."Spiderpaw shrugged, picking up his pace.

Brookstorm followed him slowly, seeming unconvinced. "I don't know...We could get hurt.."

"But we might not.Don't you want to have fun? To adventure? We'll be fine, I promise."

"I don't know,"Brookstorm sighed. "I'm not ready to die."

"You won't.Or are you a scaredy mouse?"Spiderpaw taunted, hoping this tactic would work.

"No I'm not! I'll do it!"Brookstorm snorted, racing ahead of Spiderpaw.

"Wait up!"Spiderpaw called, racing after him.

Spiderpaw watched the tom speed for the thunderpath.He looks irritated.

"You have to make sure no monsters are coming first!"Spiderpaw yelled, the wind seeming to steal his words and fly off with them.
He wasn't sure Brookstorm had heard what he said.

The blue-grey tom looked both ways, then started across the path.
Spiderpaw skidded to a stop beside the path and looked both ways as well, starting to cross it. "Calm down! Be more careful!"

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