Chapter Twenty^Three- Home Sweet Home-?

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Spiderpaw's whiskers twitched in anticipation as they headed for the Clan-camp, the entrance in sight now.

"This is it,"he mumbled to Ravenpaw. "This is the camp.We finally made it..."

Pinespeck, who was guarding the camp with a grim expression on his face, gasped in shock when he spotted the cats approaching.Spiderpaw's former mentor stood up as they dipped their heads.

"We're back!"Ripplestrike smiled. "Mission successful!"

As they entered the camp, cats from everywhere swarmed out of their dens, purring, welcoming and greeting the cats.

"What happened?"

"Why was Wonderstar and the others gone?"

"You smell weird!"

"Who's that?"
Milkypaw pointed his nose to Ravenpaw. "And that and that and that?"he then nodded to Primrose, Argyle and Bubble.

"Oh, yes! Spiritflight, please look at Bubble, she needs serious help!"Brookstorm whimpered, gently letting the kit slid of his back and into Spiritflight's paws.
The two of them quickly left, Milkypaw glancing once more at the newcomers before following after them.

As Ripplestrike, Dewmelody and Deerspots began explaining the whole story and events, Spiderpaw began looking around for someone, feeling eyes on the back of his head.

His eyes locked with Mildewpaw's, and he smiled weakly at her.She frowned, flicking her tail for him to follow before slipping behind the nursery.

He pushed past Forestpaw and Ashentail, squeezing in behind the den and coming face to face with the white pelted apprentice.

"Hey, Mildew-"

He was interrupted as Mildewpaw rubbed his cheek along his chin, a large purr escaping her throat. "Oh, Spiderpaw, I missed you so much! Sunpaw tried to keep me distracted, but you know how he is..."

He nodded, Mildewpaw smiling brightly.

"I'm sorry know...the awkwardness before you left.It made me worry about when you returned."she admitted, eyes gazing at her paws.

"It's fine.What were you going to tell me, though?"Spiderpaw tilted his head a bit.

"Oh..."she sighed, shifting her paws. "That?"

He stared at her with expecting eyes, urging her to speak.

"I-I like y-"

"Clan meeting!"

Mildewpaw flinched, eyes growing dark as Spiderpaw shrugged apologetically, slipping out from behind the den.

Wonderstar stood on the meeting rock, eyes fierce as they gazed down at the Clan gathered below. "As you all know, the patrol has returned,"

Everyone nodded, murmuring little 'yeahs'.

"Along with Ravenpaw came a rogue named Primrose and a friend of Ravenpaw, Argyle.Would you two be interested in joining FalconClan?"
Wonderstar gazed at the two, leaning forward as they waited for a response.

Argyle lifted her chin. "Yes.I stick with my friend."

Primrose looked uncertain, but nodded. "I-I think so? I'll try my best to fit in!"

Bear, a former rogue who was an elder, gazed approvingly at Primrose with his scarred eyes.

In the entrance to the nursery, Leafkit, Branchkit and Marigoldkit bounced excitedly, eyes on the leader as they spoke.

"Argyle, from now on, until you have learned the ways of the Clans completely, you shall be known as Stormpaw.Your mentor will be Ripplestrike.I trust her to pass on all she knows to you."Wonderstar dipped their head.

Ripplestrike padded over to her apprentice, touching noses with a confused Stormpaw.

"Primrose, from this day forward, until you learn the ways of the Clan completely, you shall be known as-"

"Wait!"Primrose stood up, a sheepish look on her pretty face. "I-I would like to keep my name, I quite like it.If that's alright?"

Wonderstar stared at her silently for a moment, before their eyes flickered over to Bear, and back to her. "Very well...Your mentor will be Cedarcry.I trust him to train you well."

Cedarcry hesitantly walked over to the she-cat and touched noses with her, sitting down beside her.

"Ravenpaw, your mentor will be Flowerblossom, she is smart and quick, I believe she will do her best to train you."

Ravenpaw bounded over to the tortoiseshell and white she-cat, smashing her nose into Flowerblossom's, blinking rapidly, and sitting down beside her.

"Now, we must be aware of the Shadow Paws.We will double all patrols and always keep our eyes peeled and our ears Sharp."Wonderstar meowed.

"Clan dismissed."


Its been a whole moon and nothing has changed.Everyone has been happy, training and what-not, and nothing odd has occurred.

Spiderpaw padded into the forest with Sunpaw, Dewmelody and Primrose, searching for prey.

"Smell that?"Dewmelody paused, her nose twitching as she sniffed.

Everyone sniffed, and Spiderpaw wrinkled his nose. "It smells like a dead animal.Like, a rotting one."

He peered under a bush to find a pile of bones, rotting meat slipping off them, all surrounded in a pile of blood.

He pulled his head away, growling. "Someone killed prey as ate some of it on our territory!"he roared.

"Calm down, I'm sure there's an explanation."Dewmelody peered down at the remainders of the mouse. "It doesn't seem sick of poisoned, just, purposely left there..."

"Shadow Paws?"Sunpaw yawned, taking the opportunity to lay in the sun.

"I'm afraid so, unless it was a wild animal."Dewmelody frowned, scanning the area.

"We should get back to camp and report to Wonderstar."Spiderpaw mumbled, fear spiking his pelt as he felt that 'being watched' feeling again.

"Of course, let's go.We can pick up the small bit of what we caught on the way."Dewmelody nodded.

As they started back, Spiderpaw's neck fur bristled.He felt uneasy, as if something was wrong.

"Guys, do you feel.....creeped out? Like, something is bad?"he whispered.

"Yes, I thought I was the only one."Primrose squeaked, Sunpaw and Dewmelody nodding.

As they neared the camp they heard screaming, and rushed into it to see cats swarming the clearing, terror and fear flooding over them.

"What's wrong!?"Dewmelody hissed at the nearest cat, who happened to be Pinespeck.

"I-I don't know! I just got back from a patrol!"he glanced over at his fellow-patrollers and they all looked just as confused.

The hot scent of smoke filled the air, although Spiderpaw couldn't see any.

Ashentail limped by, her eyes fearful. "Where are my kits!?"she wailed.

Wonderstar scrambled down from their den, eyes wide. "What in StarClan's name?"

"Fire! Fire!"Forestpaw screeched, rushing out from the elders den.

"The nursery is on fire!"

Word count: 1044

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