Chapter Nine- Rescue

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"Are you sure that's all you need?"Wonderstar frowned at the small group of cats Spiderpaw had said he'd take.

"Yes. This is all I need."Spiderpaw nodded, staring at his mentor with a steady gaze.

Spiderpaw's rescue patrol consisted of Snowdropfall, Forestpaw and Mildewpaw.

Only four cats, going to save Ripplestrike.

"Fine,"Wonderstar rubbed their muzzle against Spiderpaw's head. "Be careful."

"I will,"Spiderpaw meowed, puffing out his chest. "I'll keep everyone safe!"

"Remember,"They said sternly. "You are the leader of the patrol, but you are not higher in rank then any of these cats.You listen to Snowdropfall if she suggests something.
And when you find Ripplestrike, if she tells you to do something, you will do it."

"Yes, Wonderstar."Spiderpaw dipped his head, hurrying over to his patrol.

Excitement surged through his pelt.
I'm getting to lead a rescue patrol!

Mildewpaw was shifting her paws impatiently, and immediately stood up when Spiderpaw joined them.
"Let's go! I'm tired of waiting!"

"Okay.Come on then."Spiderpaw mewed energetically, starting off down the path leading to the Two-leg site.

He wasn't sure where to look once they got there, but he decided he'd find out when they arrived.

His stomach hadn't felt the best since yesterday.He'd randomly feel sharp pains stabbing at the inside of his stomach.

But he chose to ignore it.

The thing I ate yesterday probably just made me a bit sick, I'm fine.

"Hey? You alive in there?"Mildewpaw nudged his cheek with her muzzle.
She had picked up her pace to walk beside him, while Forestpaw and Snowdropfall padded behind them.

"Yes.What's up?"Spiderpaw shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"I asked you if you'd seen anything cool when you went there yesterday."She replied, her black whiskers twitching.

"Yeah! I saw some Two-leg kits playing some sort of game, some Two-legs building weird things and much, much more."Spiderpaw replied excitedly.

"Cool! Did you see any other cats?"
Mildewpaw's eyes sparkled.

"No, not that I really looked."Spiderpaw shrugged, spotting the clearing.

"We're here! Be careful,"Spiderpaw ordered, stopping. "Let's spread out in teams of two and see what we can spot.If you see Ripplestrike or a Two-leg kit with brown fur on her head, come get the us.

Snowdropfall nodded, leading Forestpaw away in one direction.

"Guess we'll go this way."Spiderpaw shrugged, aware of Mildewpaw following him as he set off in a random direction.

He glanced around, finding it a bit busier than the yesterday when they came.

He still found it weird why the Two-legs didn't seem to care at ALL that random cats were walking around.

"Look! There's a shed-like thing, mabye she's in there?"Mildewpaw pointed her nose toward a small, wooden shed poking out through the trees.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to check."Spiderpaw shrugged, padding over to it.

It smelt weird, like it was rotting.
Bugs crawled around the edges, slipping in and out of little holes in the sides.
The roof was falling apart, huge gaping holes in it.

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