Chapter Five- The Shiny Weapon

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Spiderpaw collapsed on the ground, the scorching sun burning his back.
He had been working all day long, strengthening and repairing dens, catching prey, talking to Gorgepaw, helping Gingerheart care for Brookstorm, etc.

Now, he was beyond tired and ready to eat something and have a nap.

Glancing up, he sighed as he saw Brookstar padding softly over to him.
She was always so graceful.
Spiderpaw kind of found it annoying.

She's a Clan leader, be nice of her, he scolded himself, sitting up quickly.

"Greetings, Spiderpaw,"Brookstar dipped her head, sitting down and staring around the camp. "I am grateful for your help.You willingly pitched in to help a different Clan."

I wouldn't exactly call it 'willingly'

"You're welcome,"Spiderpaw mewed, scared he would let out an impatient growl, or his stomach would rumble. "It's the least I could do, you're letting us stay here in your camp while we heal."

"Of course,"Brookstar glanced at him, her eyes warm. "That is what HawkClan is all about: caring and sharing."

"Well, FalconClan is more of the, 'your on your own' kind of Clan, although we would probably help wounded cats."

Spiderpaw's gaze snapped up as he heard limping pawsteps and blinked as he saw Brookstorm struggling to make his way over to them.

Spiderpaw winced as Brookstorm tripped over a root, and fell onto his side.
He managed to upright himself, and continued to limp over.

Brookstar stood up, hurrying to him. "You can lean on me, if you'd like."

Brookstorm grunted, doing so.
He soon reached Spiderpaw, and slid onto the ground in relief. "That was easier than it looked, I promise."

"Yeah, right."Spiderpaw scoffed, drawing his paws into a loaf lay.
His gazed rested on the prey pile, and his stomached rumbled loudly.

"Go ahead,"Brookstar flicked her tail toward the prey. "You deserve it."
Then she padded away to her den.

"Get me some, too!"Brookstorm yelled after Spiderpaw.

He sighed, picking up a scrawny crow and dropping it at Brookstorm's feet.

"No, no, I don't want a bird.Too many feathers.Get me the juiciest, fattest mouse you can find."He waved his tail, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

Spiderpaw knew he was about to snap, twitching his eye in irritation.
He had done so much for this cat, and what did he get in return? Rude attitude, pickiness, no gratitude.
Spiderpaw knew he was the one who caused Brookstorm to get hurt, but that didn't give Brookstorm the right to be annoyingly rude to him. Did it?

Before he could snap, "No, get it yourself, fox-dung!"Gorgepaw was by his side, staring at Brookstorm with friendly eyes.

"I can get you something!"She offered brightly, whipping around to race over to the pile.She nosed around for several moments, before choosing a very plump mouse. "Here you go!"She dropped it at his paws, watching closely as he chewed it.

He chewed for a long time, then swallowed. "Not bad."

Gorgepaw grinned, then dragged Spiderpaw behind what seemed to be the elders den. "Want to see something cool I found?"She squeaked, her face full of excitement.

"I guess."Spiderpaw shrugged, following her up a small cliff and through the forest.

He kept pace with her, matching her short steps with his.
"So, where are we going?"

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