Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! Busy and stuff..

Ever since that day, Spiritflight always kept an eye on Spiderpaw.
Well, whenever she could.

But Spiderpaw would try his best to go out and hunt or patrol, not liking feeling watched.

"Just because I might die any second, doesn't mean I need someone watching me ALL the time."Spiderpaw complained to Forestpaw, who was helping him carry back his prey.

"I mean, it kind of does?"Forestpaw shrugged, adjusting the vole in his mouth.

"I guess.."Spiderpaw sighed. "It's just annoying. I can never escape her."

"It can be a bit frustrating."Forestpaw agreed, padding into camp with Spiderpaw right behind him.

Of course, Spiritflight was sitting just outside the medicine den, her eyes narrowed to slits as she watched Spiderpaw closely.

He always felt like he couldn't do anything wrong if someone was watching him.If he accidentally tripped over his own paws? Well, Spiritflight would see. He would be embarrassed.

"Miswell sleep."He rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for your help, Forestpaw."Spiderpaw nodded toward the chocolate brown apprentice.

"Oh, of course, Spiderpaw, anytime."He nodded back padding over to talk with Snowdropfall.

Spiderpaw slunk into the apprentice den, finding it empty. "At least I'm alone in here."

He snuggled up in his nest, resting his head on his paws.But he wasn't exactly tired.More like exhausted.

Closing his eyes tight, he tried to sleep.
He wriggled uncomfortably, his stomach suddenly hurting again.

He squeezed his eyes tighter, the lids starting to ache.He sighed.

"Hey, Branchkit, that's not fair!!"Leafkit's tiny mew sounded from right outside of the apprentice den.
"Mama said we weren't aloud in there!"

Spiderpaw rose to his feet, peeking out of the den.He saw Leafkit a couple feet away, glaring at the leader den.

"What's going on out here?"Spiderpaw growled crossly, sitting down.

Branchkit poked his head out of the leaders den, a cheekily grin on his face. "Nothing, Spiderpaw!"

"It's not nothing!"Leafkit protested, his fluffy fur sticking out. "Branchkit snuck into the lead den when he knew Mama told him not to!"

Marigoldkit — who was sitting at the nursery entrance with her tail over her paws — sighed heavily. "Just be quiet and go sleep."

Spiderpaw nearly screamed that he agreed with her. "Marigoldkit is right, move along."

Leafkit and Branchkit pouted, stumbling over to their sister.

"Let's play again tomorrow, though!"Branchkit squeaked, rushing into the nursery.

Leafkit's response was lost as he too followed his brother, and they were lost from Spiderpaw's hearing.

Turning around, Spiderpaw made his way back into the den, laying down.

Feeling more than before, he closed his eyes and found himself slowly drifting off into sleep.
His eyelids became heavier and heavier until at last, he felt sleep take over him.


Spiderpaw blinked, awaking in a moonlit clearing.The trees didn't sway or move in the wind, nor did the grass.
It was creepily still and silent.

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