Chapter Seven- New Mentor?

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Mildewpaw immediately sprung into action, climbing swiftly down the tree.
"Come on, Spiderpaw!"

Spiderpaw shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and started down after her.
He was quite clumsy on the way down, nearly slipping multiple times.

Landing heavily, he hurried over to the oak tree, Mildewpaw's tail disappearing around the corner.

He peered over to see Sunpaw lying on his stomach in the grass, his eyes closed tight.

"Am-am I dead?"Sunpaw whispered, blinking open an eye.

"No, you just fell, I think."Mildewpaw sighed in relief, glancing up to see a broken off tree branch stump a few feet up.

Sunpaw sat up slowly, groaning as he revealed his crushed tail.
He had landed on it, causing it to bend slightly at the tip.

"Are you alright!?"Dewmelody pushed past Spiderpaw to stand next to her apprentice, sniffing and inspecting him all over.

"I'm okay,"Sunpaw shrugged, seeming a bit in shock. "I think?"

"You seem to be fine,"Silverpuddle mewed, coming over to stand beside Spiderpaw. "Although your tail seems a bit bent."

Sunpaw looked down at it, a sad look on his face. "Oh.I guess that's kind of bad."

Then he brightened. "I bet if I have a nap, it'd help!"

"I doubt that, Sunpaw,"Spiderpaw laughed, stepping lightly over the fallen branch to nudge his friend. "But mabye  you should try it, just in case."

"I thought you were supposed to be collecting leaves."Pinespeck's angry mew sounded from a shrub, as he pushed his way out, a small vole in his jaws.

"I was going to, after,"Spiderpaw faced his mentor, stretching up as much as he could, trying to seem taller. "Dewmelody and Sunpaw invited me to train with them."

"You need permission from your mentor, first."Pinespeck narrowed his eyes, his cold gaze unmoving from the black apprentice.

You weren't even here!

"Well...mabye I don't want you to be my mentor!"Spiderpaw huffed, backing up a few steps.

"You don't get to chose who your mentor is!"Pinespeck snarled, stepping forward.

"Back off you big jerk!"Mildewpaw hissed, appearing beside Spiderpaw.
Her fur was bristling with rage, and her teeth were pulled back in a growl.

"You're only a mere apprentice,"Pinespeck scoffed, glancing between Spiderpaw and Mildewpaw. "How could you possibly convince Wonderstar to change your mentor?"

"We'll find a way!"Sunpaw puffed out his chest, walking over to Spiderpaw's other side, his bent tail tucked between his legs.

"Calm down,"Dewmelody pushed between the apprentices and the warrior, glaring sternly at Pinespeck. "What is wrong with you?"

The red furred tom scowled. "Nothing is wrong with me! I'm just trying to teach these little rats a lesson!"

"Hey!"Sunpaw squeaked. "We're not little rats!"

"Yes, you are."Pinespeck snapped.

"Then what does that make you? The rat king?"Mildewpaw retorted sharply.

"Just go home,"Silverpuddle snapped. "We are going to continue doing what apprentices are supposed to: training and hunting."

Pinespeck growled, turning and pushing through the forest.

"Well, that was dramatic."Sunpaw frowned, licking his paw and wiping it over his ear.

"You can say that again."Spiderpaw agreed with a sigh.

"Well, that was dramatic."Sunpaw repeated with a grin.

"Let's go home, actually,"Dewmelody mewed. "We need to talk with Wonderstar."

- Time Skip -

"Wonderstar, we need to talk."Spiderpaw meowed, entering the leaders den.

They turned their head to watch as Spiderpaw, Mildewpaw, Sunpaw, Dewmelody and Silverpuddle piled in the den, making it quite crowded.
"What is going on?"

"I want a new mentor."Spiderpaw blurted.

"What?"Wonderstar looked confused. "I need some details, please."

"Let me tell them,"Silverpuddle mewed, inching forward a bit. "Pinespeck is being rude to Spiderpaw."

"How?"Wonderstar meowed coolly, sitting up.They flicked their tail slowly.

"He isn't allowing Spiderpaw to train fight, hunt, or anything other than collecting bedding."She replied.

"And he keeps snapping at us."Sunpaw added.

"What happened to you?"Wonderstar narrowed their eyes at the golden apprentice.

Sunpaw had streaks of dirt smeared in his fur, and chunks of bark were stuck between his claws. "I fell from a tree and landed on my tail."

"Go to the medicine den and have Spiritflight look at you."Wonderstar dismissed Sunpaw from the den.

"Fine,"They nodded their head. "I'll change your mentor.Get ready, a Clan meeting will be held in a moment."

"What about Pinespeck?"Mildewpaw asked, tilting her head.

"What about him?"Wonderstar gazed at the white apprentice.

"Aren't you going to kick him out of the Clan?"She growled.

"No.He hasn't done anything to deserve that, yet."The calico shook their head.

Spiderpaw left the den, sitting down beside the Clan meeting rock.
He was nervous.What if the Clan didn't think he should get a new mentor?

Wonderstar excited their den, calling out, "Clan meeting!"
Everyone gathered quickly and quietly, including Pinespeck.

"It has been brought to my attention that a young apprentice wants to change his mentor, for reasons I shall keep to myself."

Spiderpaw glanced over to see Pinespeck fuming.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

"Who?"Brookstorm questioned, confused.

"Spiderpaw, step forward."Wonderstar smiled, waving their tail for him to approach.

Spiderpaw obeyed, nervous.
He inched a bit closer to the leader, raising his head to gaze at Wonderstar.

"You have requested a new mentor, correct?"They asked.

"Yes."Spiderpaw mewed, sure about his decision.
Pinespeck was horrible, anyone could do better!

"I have decided, for now, I shall mentor Spiderpaw.Do you accept?"Wonderstar watched the black apprentice with warm eyes.

What an honour!

"Then that's that.
Any-cat have anything important to say before this meeting comes to a close?"

"I do,"Ripplestrike stood up, her gray and white fur smooth. "I've spotted Two-legs making a den just outside our territory.I'm worried mabye they might come closer to us? Owlgaze and I saw them on our patrol this morning."

"I'll check it out.Thank you Ripplestrike and Owlgaze."Wonderstar dipped their head. "Clan dismissed."

The calico padded over to Spiderpaw. "Would you like to come?"

"Yes, please!"Spiderpaw nodded.

I'll get to see a Two-leg nest!

(Word count: 1015)

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