Chapter Thirteen- Travel

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"Wake up, Birchpaw!"Spiderpaw nudged the apprentice.
She stirred, raising her pale head sleepily.


"Ready to leave?"He asked her with a small smile.

"Is everyone else ready?"She stretched, arching her back and yawning softly.

"Not yet.Dewmelody and Deerspots are still waking up.I think Ripplestrike is waiting by the exit, though."

"Alright."She followed him out of the den, blinking to adjust her eyes to the blaring sunlight.

Ripplestrike trotted over to them. "We ready yet?"She sighed impatiently, shifting her paws.

"Not yet,"Dewmelody mewed as she left the warriors den. "Deerspots is just grooming his fur, then he'll be ready."

After a few moments, the brown tom emerged from the den, his fur smooth and clean. "Let's go."

Sunpaw hurried over to them. "Just remember, go through RavenClan territory and follow the river.It'll take at least four sunrises and you'll see huge oak trees."

Spiderpaw and Birchpaw nodded, saying in unison, "Thanks, Sunpaw."

They started out, after eating some traveling herbs.
Spiderpaw felt that the group had good energy, and they'd probably get pretty far in one day.

After a long while of silence, Birchpaw spoke.

"Do you think RavenClan will let us through peacefully?"Birchpaw chirped, walking beside him while the older cats took the front.

"I sure hope so,"He said thoughtfully. "RavenClan always seemed peaceful.I guess it depends on how Bonestar is feeling."

"Bonestar,"Birchpaw shivered at his name. "So spooky."

Spiderpaw's whiskers twitched in amusement.

He dodged a thorny branch, leaping onto a boulder and staring around.
"It seems as if we are making good progress, already!"

He could barely see the heart of FalconClan camp.

"I see our border,"Deerspots rumbled, pointing his tail toward a spot not too far away. "Should be there and into RavenClan territory in no time."

They continued on, the border drawing nearer and nearer. With every step Spiderpaw grew more and more worried.

What if they don't let us pass?
This is just a stupid quest.I'm not even sure this will work!

A pit opened up in Spiderpaw's stomach, and it made him feel hollow and empty.

Mabye I'm just hungry?

"Can we stop to hunt?"He blurted, sending pleading eyes to the FalconClan deputy.

Ripplestrike frowned. "We're almost to the border, though.."

"Let's hunt,"Deerspots nudged her. "It'll give us the strength to fight angry RavenClan warriors, if we need to."

"Plus, once we get into RavenClan territory, we won't be aloud to hunt."
Birchpaw added.

She sighed in defeat. "Alright.Quickly, though."

Spiderpaw broke off from the rest of the patrol, heading into a deep thicket.
He heard the scuttling of small, gentle paws and flattened himself to the ground.

"Mouse? No, shrew."He whispered, spotting the brown back of the critter.

Be crept closer, bunching his muscles to leap.He kept his tail hovering slightly off the ground.

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