Chapter Twenty^Five-

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Spiderpaw padding into camp, tail dragging in the dirt and a small pigeon in his jaws.He placed it gently on the prey-pile and glanced around the camp.

Wonderstar was chatting with Ripplestrike beside the leaders den, their voices light and cheerful, Ravenpaw, Mildewpaw and Forestpaw were practicing battle moves beside the apprentice den and Magiepieheart was sitting beside the new nursery, Leafkit and Branchkit wrapped in her tail.

Every since the tragic event, Magiepieheart hadn't let the kits leave her sight.She was furious when she saw Marigoldkit's limp corpse, swearing her revenge on the Shadow Paws.

Sunpaw trotted over to Spiderpaw, Birchpaw following behind him slowly.The golden cat sat down, a large sparrow on his mouth. "Wanna share with Birchpaw and I?"

"Sure,"Spiderpaw shrugged. "Why not?"

Birchpaw sat down on Spiderpaw's other side, and took a mouthful of the prey. "It's good to see the camp moving nicely after the fire."she murmured.

The fire had spread a bit, burning a couple of things, but then it had rained, putting it out before any intense damage could be dealt.They had easily rebuilt the camp.

But the lives of the kits couldn't be fixed.

Bubble was safe, gladly.

The little gray she-kit had healed of infection and was now happily playing with Brookstorm outside of the medicine den.Her matted fur had finally been cleaned and her fluffy light gray fur shone and sparkled in the sunlight.

Spiderpaw nodded, eyes locking with Brookstorm's as Bubble bounced around his paws.

"Brookstorm looks like he's having a blast."Spiderpaw snorted, licking his lips as he finished his share of the meal.

"Yep! Bubble is quite found of him."Birchpaw nodded, watching the gray tom speed limp over to them, Bubble dangling with her front paws around his neck.

He dropped her at Sunpaw's paws. "Can you watch her while I go make dirt, please?"

"Sure."Sunpaw shrugged, placing a paw on Bubble's head as she giggled.

As Brookstorm walked away, Bubble started after him, chanting, "Field trip! Field trip!"

"No, not a field trip,"Spiderpaw leapt in front of her, blocking her path. "Father Brooksie is going to make dirt.You're going go play with Uncle Sunpaw."he ushered the squealing kit over to the golden apprentice, who glared lightly at Spiderpaw.

"Sunpaw is boring, though!"Bubble complained, prodding his neck multiple times with her paw.

"That's what I said,"Mildewpaw giggled, appearing beside them and gazing fondly at Bubble.

Bubble squeaked, bouncing up and nudging Mildewpaw's chin with her nose. "Can you play with me? Teach me to hunt leafs!"

Mildewpaw nodded reluctantly, casting Spiderpaw a look. "Fine.Let's go over and ask Leafkit and Branchkit if they want to learn, too."

Once they left the apprentices got up, shaking out their pelts and stretching. "I should take my mentor training, I suppose."Birchpaw shrugged, hurrying away toward Owlgaze.

Dewmelody trotted over to them. "Sunpaw, let's go train, it's been a while."she smiled warmly at him, laying her tail on his shoulder as they left the camp.

Spiderpaw sat there a moment, staring at Wonderstar as they talked.
Should he ask them to train? They were only talking, but mabye they didn't want to be interrupted....The only thing bad about being the leader's apprentice, was that you never knew when was a good time to train.

Wonderstar caught him staring and quickly excused themselves from the conversation, hurrying over to Spiderpaw. "What's up?"

"Oh-ummm....I was just wondering if you wanted to train?"Spiderpaw dipped his head.

"Oh! Sure.Where you thinking?"Wonderstar tilted their head, stepping out of the way as Stormpaw raced through the camp with a mouse in her jaws, stopping before Ripplestrike.

"Mabye just the training arena? Sunpaw and Birchpaw might be there."Spiderpaw meowed brightly, liking the idea of training with his fellow apprentices.

"Sure,"Wonderstar dipped their head, walking beside Spiderpaw out of the camp.

As they headed for the training arena, Wonderstar glanced over at Spiderpaw, opening their mouth. "Spiderpaw?"

"Huh? What?"Spiderpaw didn't look at the leader, grunting as he leapt over a fallen tree, claws digging in to push off.

"You're a really great apprentice, ya know that? You've been so much help to the Clans, and showed you do care,"Wonderstar meowed softly, landing on the ground next to him. "I'm proud of you, and can tell you'll be a warrior by the end of this moon."

Spiderpaw puffed his chest out at the praise. "Thank you, Wonderstar! You really mean it?"

"Of course."They smiled fondly, digging their claws into the sand under-paw.The arena opened up and they saw Birchpaw and Sunpaw wrestling on the ground, claws sheathed, their mentors watching from nearby, shouting instructions.

"Hey guys! Mind if we join?"Wonderstar waved their tail in greeting, joining Owlgaze and Dewmelody.

"Of course you can! Any time."Dewmelody dipped her head, eyes shining.

Owlgaze nodded, eyes never leaving Birchpaw's head as she reared up and brought her paws down on Sunpaw's shoulders.The golden tom staggered, his balance off, and Birchpaw took the opportunity to push him over, nipping his scruff in triumph.

"Come on, Spiderpaw, fight the winner!"Birchpaw growled playfully, fluffing up her fur and shaking her tail tauntingly.

Spiderpaw snarled, leaping at the tabby with sheathed claws.She easily rolled under him, batting at his stomach and causing him to smash his head on the ground heavily.He quickly got up, shaking his head and whirling around to face her.Swiftly she darted forward and nipped at his chest, then his flank.The third rush he cut her off, sinking his teeth into her scruff and throwing her lightly away.She grunted, staggering to her paws.
Spiderpaw took the chance to pounce on her, pinning her down and laughing victoriously.

"I win!"

"No fair, you cheated."Birchpaw snorted, whiskers twitching in amusement as she crawled out from under him. "Good battle."

"Indeed."he mewed, licking Birchpaw's ear, which she returned happily.

"Great job,"Wonderstar purred, their chest vibrating. "Let's get back to camp."



"Is it time yet?"a shadowy tom growled, shifting under the spruce tree.

"Soon, you impatient badger, soon....."
a she-cat replied croakily, rigid beside him.

"Very, very soon...."

Word count: 1084

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