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Misty fog swirled around Echoscream's paws as she padded forward, fear spiking up her pelt.
Where was she? She was dreaming.

Chills went down her spine as she walked stiffly through the shadowy trees.All was silent, except for the sound of the tree branches, scraping against the ground.

The scottish fold she-cat flinched, flattening her fur to the ground as a sudden snap rang through the woods around her.Her eyes darted around
with with fear, and her mouth parted as she tried to breathe in the scents, but found none.

She watched with round eyes as a shape emerged from the bushes in front of her, its fur smoothed down and its face calm.It padded over, sitting down quietly and wrapping its tail around its paws. "Greetings, Echoscream."

"Hello?"Echoscream said uncertainly, not sure if she trusted this mysterious cat. "Who are you? A StarClan cat?"

"Yes,"They answered, fluffing out their fur as a sudden cold wind blew by. "I am Flamecry, the old medicine cat of FalconClan.I have come to deliver to you a message."

The area around them suddenly changed, turning into a grassy meadow.Birds flying by, grass and flowers blowing in the breeze.The sun shone brightly, causing Echoscream to squint, trying to adjust her eyes to the blaring light.

"Come."the StarClan cat meowed, standing up and stalking off, not looking back to make sure Echoscream was following.

The white she-cat stumbled, trying to keep up.Her shorter legs seemed to strongly disagree with her, seeming to lean toward each root and each stick.

It seemed like the graceful StarClan cat would never stop, continuing on strongly, their ginger fur flashing as they walked.He came to a slow halt, turning his head back to gaze at her. "You coming, or what?"

Echoscream panted, her chest heaving.She just realized she had been running to catch up with Flamecry's quick walking. "Y-yes!"

"You won't want to miss this,"Flamecry spun on his heels, leading her in a completely different direction. "It's truly a sight to behold."

She felt like he didn't even know where he was going, leading her in random directions.

Mabye he is just trying to lose me. Mabye this is just a big prank.

Echoscream leapt over a fallen tree, her hind claws digging in sharply to heave her body over it.Bark splinters stabbed at her belly, but she ignored it, telling herself she'd pull them out later.

She didn't want to lose sight of Flamecry's gingery fur.
She knew he had something important to tell her, she could feel it.
She didn't know what, especially because she was only a mere warrior, but she knew she just had to find out what it was.

Pushing forward, she demanded her aching legs to go faster, watching with desperation as Flamecry's body disappeared through a bush.

She barged through it, tripping and landing on the cold forest floor.She smashed her chin on the ground, a humming noise suddenly taking up its song in her head.That's annoying, she thought angrily, as she stood up dizzily, staggering to the side.A sharp piercing stabbed repeatedly at her head, and she tried her best to block it off.

"Flamecry!?"She glanced around desperately, not wanting to have lost him.
She sighed in relief as she spotted him watching her, amusement flaring in his eyes.

"Such an entrance,"They purred, then their face turned serious. "But we have more important things to discuss, or watch."They flicked their ears toward a tree, which looked like any ordinary tree.

Echoscream groaned. "You led me out here, all the way out here, just to see a fox-dung StarClan forsaken tree!?"She snapped, flicking her tail crossly. "That's it, I'm leaving."
She turned, ready to storm away to who knows where, when Flamecry's meow stopped her in her tracks. "No, stay.Watch."

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