Chapter Six

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Spiderpaw was still tired and his paws still ached when he woke up.Sunlight beamed in through the den roof, directly in his eyes.

It was good to be back in FalconClan territory, although he didn't dislike living in HawkClan.
His own camp made him feel so much more cozy.

Beside him, Sunpaw fidgeted, a soft murmuring coming from the sleeping apprentice.His golden yellow pelt seemed to blaze in the sunlight, and Spiderpaw felt jealous of his fur colour.

Why did I have to be born with boring black fur?

Stretching, he let out a long yawn, his muscles rippling beneath his pelt.
"Sunpaw."He whispered.

No reply.

Sunpaw stayed still, light snoring coming from his mouth.

"Sunpaw!"Spiderpaw nudged the golden apprentice in the side, waking him from his slumber.

"Wha-?"Sunpaw's neck fur bristled, and he sat up swiftly. "What's wrong!? Attack?!"

"No, calm down,"Spiderpaw rolled his eyes. "I just thought you probably wouldn't want to be late to training."

"Oh,"Sunpaw sounded slightly disappointed. "Okay, let's go."
He got to his paws, following Spiderpaw out of the den.

It was a warm sunny day, with little to no breeze.The air was dry, possibly even humid.

"Look, there're our mentors."Sunpaw yawned, pointing his nose toward where two cats were pacing impatiently at the camp exit.

"There you are,"Dewmelody sighed, running her tail down Sunpaw's back. "I thought you'd sleep in forever."
She twitched her whiskers, not sounding upset.

Pinespeck growled, "You should have gotten up at least a few hours ago.It's almost sunhigh!"

"Sorry."Spiderpaw stared at his paws, feeling guilty.

I shouldn't be! I needed sleep! Was Pinespeck the one who was living in a whole other camp for almost seven sunrises? I've been exhausted!

"Let's go."The red furred tom shook his head. "We should start with collecting leaves for dens."

Spiderpaw rolled his eyes. Of course. Your favourite task.

Sunpaw trotted ahead with Dewmelody, while Spiderpaw walked awkwardly beside his mentor.

Pinespeck kept glancing over at him, opening his mouth, then turning away.

What does he want? He should just blurt it out already.

"Spiderpaw?"Pinespeck murmured hesitantly.

"Yes?"He sighed, gazing at his mentor.
He leapt over a small twig, nearly tripping.

"I'm sorry for how I'm acting..I know sometimes I act too....protective? I just don't want you to get hurt while training, or hunting."

"How would I? I'd be careful."Spiderpaw frowned.

"My-my sister..."Pinespeck choked, then let out a low growl. "'Never mind, forget I said anything.I'm going to hunt.Collect leaves."He snapped, pushing through the bushes.

Spiderpaw paused for a moment, shocked. What in StarClan's name just happened?

Shrugging, he raced to catch up with Sunpaw.

"What are you guys doing first?"

"Training in the training clearing," Dewmelody meowed. "You can join us if you'd like to."

"Oh, yes please."Spiderpaw nodded his head.I'd rather do that then collect leaves.

And Pinespeck isn't here, so he won't know what I'm doing.

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