Chapter Sixteen

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"He was just here a minute ago!"Birchpaw looked past the stream, hoping to see movement.

"Stupid fur-ball!"Spiderpaw hissed, glancing over to where Ripplestrike was standing. "Should we even bother to look for him?"

"Of course we should."Ripplestrike gave her head small shake and focused on Deerspots. "Let's split up and meet back here later.Deerspots take Brookstorm and Spiderpaw.I'll go with Birchpaw and Dewmelody."

Dewmelody and Birchpaw hurried to the deputy's side, their faces complete opposites.Dewmelody looked calm and ready to find the missing cat, and Birchpaw looked worried and ready to curl up and die.

"Come on."Deerspots mewed, leading Brookstorm and Spiderpaw into the bushes, the opposite direction from the other patrol.

Spiderpaw trotted beside Brookstorm and just behind Deerspots.
"How are we really going to find Shakenpaw? He probably chickened out and ran away."

"Hush."Deerspots snapped. "I can't focus with you blabbering in my ears."

Brookstorm sent him a smug grin. "You got in trouble."he whispered, just so Spiderpaw could hear.

Spiderpaw rolled his eyes.

"Look,"Deerspots paused to lean down and sniff the grass beside the river. "It's wet.Something fell, or jumped, in the water here."

"Think it could be Shakenpaw?"Brookstorm murmured, gazing into the water.

"Well, if it was, he's dead.Shakenpaw probably can't swim."Spiderpaw shrugged, turning around.

"I do smell his scent right here."Brookstorm sniffed deeply, opening his mouth.

"Same, and it's fresh.But, if he fell in the water, he could he long gone by now.That current is strong."
Deerspots meowed.

"Let's push Spiderpaw in and see where he goes."Brookstorm said dryly, casting the black pelted apprentice a dull look.

"Mouse-brain.I'm of more use than you! You can barely walk."Spiderpaw retorted angrily.

"Well...You can't even find-"

"Enough! I don't have time for this.Let's report back to Ripplestrike."
Deerspots glared at the two of them.
"You're acting like littermates.Now stop it."

Spiderpaw gazed at his feet the whole way back to the meeting spot, and he could sense Brookstorm doing the same.

"No sign of anything."Dewmelody mewed once they spotted the patrol.
"Although we did catch some prey."

Ripplestrike dropped a robin and Birchpaw dropped a squirrel.

"We'll find him, don't worry."Ripplestrike sighed.

-¥- Shakenpaw's PoV -¥-

Shakenpaw walked along the water's edge, sniffing.He had smelt prey and thought mabye he should be of use and hunt it.

"No one will notice I'm gone."he shrugged, raising his muzzle in the air.
The scent was stronger here.

He spotted a mouse scuffling along in the dirt a few fox lengths away, and dropped quickly into a hunters crouch.
He moved a paw forward but it slipped on a wet leaf and he felt himself leaning sideways.Toward the rushing water.

He let out a shriek as he fell in the stream, water immediately flooding his eyes and mouth.He furiously paddled his front and back legs, trying to swim or at least get his head out from under the water.

His mouth broke the surface and he gasped for air, only to be thrown back under a moment later.

He thrashed in the water, not realizing it was making it worse.His soggy fur weighed him down and he felt his chest getting tight.

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