Chapter 2 : Wrong Turn.

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It's been three days since my 3rd anniversary, me and Arm are barely talk. After his meeting with his senior on our anniversary, he got chosen to do the internship on his company. I'm so happy for him, i really do, but these past 3 days we only saw each other before he went so sleep, around midnight and only said good night and good morning. I asked about how was his day, but he was always too tired to answered. I got it, so i was just wake up early to preparing his breakfast and pack his lunch. He texted me on lunch time, but only thanks for the lunch. Not even ask about have i eaten yet or what did i do today.

How can he become so much more busy then when he was doing the research abroad?

"Pete.." Gen startled me. "I called you three times already, are you okay?" he asked. "Oh, i'm fine. I just stressed out about the exam." i lied.

Gen looks really concern and he knew something's not right. Jin and Zee are more like newly weds couple, they're hugging each other and kissing each others on the cheeks multiple times i noticed.

"Guys, got a room." Gen warned them when they're starting to give each others peck on the lips.

"We were going to eat lunch at my place and watch the new movie on netflix, sooooo we're going first, okay?" Jin said his farewell with the 'face' and we understood what he meant with netflix and chill terms.

"All right, darling. Just don't get pregnant!" Gen tease them, and they're just vanished right away. That's what happened on first month being together.

"Pete, what's on your mind?" Gen still curious.

"No, nothing, Arm really got super busy these days. I just missed him, you know?" i spill it out, Gen is one of the most wise person i've ever known. He alwasy gave the best advice and he also very good listener.

"Hmm about that internship thingy?" he asked, i remember i once told him about Arm's internship program.

"Yes, but it's good tho. After he graduate, maybe this is what the future looks like. He's gonna be busy with his career and i still have a lot of free time until i graduate and then we'll be busy together once i dive into work and adulthood. Maybe like any others mature couple who spend their quality times every weekend. Right?" i talk pretty fast.

"You're getting anxious, Pete. Maybe you should talk to him about how you worry and misses him like this." he really understand me.

"Okay, maybe i should call him right now. Right?" i asked Gen for his advice, again.

"Yea, it's still half past twelve. Still a lunch time." he nodded and i dial Arm's number.

<Hi babe, what's up?>

"Babe, what time do you come home today?" i asked with low voice, almost whispering, because i never asked anything who pointing to the 'possesive' direction.

<Hmmm, i don't know. Maybe late like last night. I have a lot of things to finish today. Why babe?>

"Hmm, actually i have to go to central city to buy something for my art project. I thought you can come home at 5 and accompany me. Can you?"

<I'm sorry but i can't left the work like that. It's only my 3rd day, babe.>

"Oh, okay. I just strolling by myself then. How's the lunch, babe? Was it good?" i tried to building up the conversation.

<Really really good, babe. Hmmm but i need to hang up now. I finish my lunch so i need to go back to work.>

"But it's not even 1 pm, you still have time, right?"

<See you tonight, babe.> he hung up.


"He is really busy. Don't get mad at him, Pete. It's only three days. Maybe after one or two weeks, he'll find the rythm and can come home on time." Gen try to cheer me up.

"Oh, he text me." i'm so happy when Arm's name popped up on my screen.

Bby, Vegas wants to help you find your stuff. He's free this evening. I gave him your number and he'll call or text you to talk about where he can pick you up. Love you.

"What did he say?" Gen asked. "Nothing. Just cheering me up." i tried to hide the facts that i'm going to have another encounter with the devil.


5 PM, my last class was dismissed and i check my phone, there's 3 missed calls and one text.

"Hi, Pete." i don't even have a chance to read the text and Vegas already standing outside of my class. Gen and i are looking at each others, Gen really trying to figure out why this dude calling my name.

"Gen, i'm going. You take care, and text me when you're home." real fast, i walk toward Vegas and pull him by his left arm.

"Vegas, you can't just showed up on my class like that." i warned him. "Why?" he asked. "Because.." i find it really hard to found the excuse.

"It's not like we are cheating or something. Your boyfriend asked me to help you. That's it." Vegas gave the very right answer. And i just stood there looking at him. "Hey.." he calls me again/ "Sorry. I'm spacing out. Okay, where are you park your motorcycle?" i look away.

"I didn't bring my motorcycle today. I drive my car. Let's go." he lead the way and we're in front his red car and he opened my door.

"You don't have to do this, Vegas." i said. "But i want to." that man, i don't know he did that on purpose or he just that kind of man who treats people nicely. But i said it before and i'm gonna say it again, Vegas is different breed.


"So where are we going?" he asked when we passed the campus' gate. "Actually i have nothing to buy, can we just go home?" i said.

"You really want him to come early, huh Pete?" he knew i lied to get Arm's attention. "You know i can be your trash can for you to throw your emotion, right?" he added.

"No. Maybe just a little. But yea, i really need him right now." i don't realize why i tell this to Vegas. I'm sure he's not really want to listen to my story, he just trying to be nice.

"Do you wanna get something to eat and talk about what you feel?" he asked. "Are you sure?" i look at him and he nod his head. "What you want to eat? Japanese food? Chinese food?" he gave me choices. "Thai food, do you like Thai food?" i suggested Thai food because i feel like i want the spicy food right now.

"Actually i have Thai food at my place, my maid from home send me food this morning. Do you want to come to my room instead? We can heat up the food and talk comfortably at my room." he gave another choice.

"Sounds good."

And he took the one-eighty and drive to our apartment building. 


We enjoy our food and not gonna lie, his maid's cooking are great. Taste really good.

"Are you ready to talk about your concern, Pete?" shit, i think he's really wanna listen to my problem. We finished our dinner and he still wants to listen to my problems.

"So, since the anniversary day....." i talked a lot, he answered and respond once a while. We talked for almost an hour and i slipped and say "I feel kinda lonely."

"You don't have to be lonely." he said.

We lost on each other's eyes, his face is getting closer to mine. We sitting on the sofa next to each others, he leaning towards me and i can feel his breath on my face. He kisses me. On the lips. Like, full kiss and not a peck.

I can't move, i should push him away and scold him, right? But why i feel like i want to feel the kiss, too? I want to feel his kisses.

I think it's my fault, we should going to eat Japanese or Chinese food instead.

We just took the wrong turn.


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