Chapter 5 : LIES.

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- Arm, Pete, and Vegas having lunch together -


"Thank you so much, Vegas. I've heard from Tem that you were picked him up at his class." Arm said that while stroking Pete's back who sits next to him.
"Tem saw that?" Pete seems really uncomforatble sitting with me and Arm at the same table.
"Yeah, Tem said he was meeting with his friend at your faculty and he saw you both walked to parking lot together." me and Pete sit across each other and i can see his sweating and his face is pale. He really afraid Arm found out about what really happened that night.

The shivering moment are being alive again when the waiters come and bring out our lunch. We eat and having a chit-chat for about 20 minutes. Arm keeps looking at his watch while we were eating, it seems really impolite and unnecessary thing to do. No wonder Pete is getting lonely even though it less than a week since Arm joined the internship.

"Hmm what exactly you two did at Vegas' unit?" suddenly Arm asked that question.

"A...hmmm.. we... we were.." Pete stuttering and look back and forth to his dessert bowl, my face, and Arm's.

"We were watching Stranger Things, netflix series. Do you know it?" i told the lies and Arm answer me with excitement. "Ohh ya, i heard that new season are coming out this month. Why are you watching that without me, babe?" Arm looking at Pete and Pete was only gave his awkward smile. He has nothing to say.

"So, you guys watch until which episode?"


We both answer at the same time but with different answer. Arm is still shoving his ice cream dessert to his mouth and laugh.

"Pete, you watch until 3rd episode and fell a sleep, right? Hahaha that's just how he is, Vegas. You can't expect him to watch the whole series or movies with him. He fell a sleep easily." Arm is always come with his positive thoughts. I respect that.

"So you already watched until 5th episode? What happened there? I watched the trailer and Hopper are still alive. How was that possible? He got blown up, right?" i don't know Arm is testing me or he just curious.

"Yea, Hopper is still alive and got force to doing the rough work for Russian. And Max broke up with Lucas. And Eleven got bullied at her new school. A lot happened on this season. You should watch it, Arm. I don't mind rewind from the first episode if you want watch them together." thank God that i already watch all episodes of the newest season.

"Sounds great! We should make time to watch that." Arm agreed.

"You, Arm. You should make time." Pete breaks his silence. He was so quite earlier, now he looks like he wants to scold Arm. Arm who understood that Pete was doing that on purpose, immediately calming him down.

"Babe, i promise this is only happen in my first two months. Or maybe next month i'll be free every weekend and finish work on time. And by then, i alredy got paid and we can go to the beach and you can have your dream vacation." Arm is hugging Pete from his right side and kissing his cheeks multiple times. Not a view i'd glad to watch.

"But for now, i'm so sorry that i have to go back now. I'll take care the bill and you have class at 3, right?" Arm asking Pete and he nods giving him answer.

"Vegas, once again, thank you so much. I'm pretty sure it's all brought by destiny. When i'm busy, there's you who living in the same building with us and happy to keep my boyfriend accompanied. You always bring a good thing to me." Arm praising me all the time.

"Why you said that like he did a lot for you? He only been helping me twice, Arm." Pete curious.

"No, he did a lot to me, Pete. Since he was a freshman and i was on second year, he were always helping me to do things. That's why me and Tem really likes this guy. Okay, i'm off. See you tonight, babe!" Arm seems really in a rush and left both of us sitting still on our table after kissing Pete on his head.

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