Chapter 11 : Adagio.

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"Why are you here?" i asked Gen who showed up on my door this morning.

"I heard everything from Pete. He stayed at my apartment this two days." he said.

"Here, i brought you breakfast. Tem called me and asked me to look after you since he so busy with finishing two projects at once while you took your days off." Gen keeps talking while he put the porridge he broght to the bowl.

"Here, there's no crab in it. I cooked it myself. I know you didn't eat these past two days. Eat!" he handed me a bowl full of rice porridge. I ate it and i can feel my energy charged up.

"Go back to work tomorrow, Arm. You're going to keep suffering if you stay here like this."

"When will Pete come back?"

"Never. He don't feel anything anymore towards you. I can tell with just looking at his eyes when he talked about you. I know it was only two days, but you should try to let go." which side Gen's standing right now?



"Do you ever feel like this, Gen?" Arm asked me whilst eating his breakfast.

"What? Let someone go?" i asked and he nodded.

"I don't know which one is heavier to bear. Your pain to let someone who not yours anymore, or me, who letting go person which never mine." yes, i talking about you, Arm.

"You did? Did it work?"

"No. But i learn to just accept it, accept that he's not mine and i have to let go. Until right now, i still have hope that one day he'll look at me like the way i look at him."

"Have you told him about yout feeling?" he asked. No, Arm, never. 



"I... i just can't." 

"Don't be sad. That's me who supposed to be sad. Not you." Arm giggle when he stood up to put his empty bowl to sink.

"Did Pete tell you i can't eat crab?"

"You both are together for 3 years and i'm with you guys all the way. I know everything about you." i said. 

"About the guy you likes, do i know him? Is it Tem?" Tem? What? That clumsy dude who looks like a clown because laughing all the time?!

"Tem?? What the hell!?"

"I saw you both talking a few times, way before my internships. Pete also told me that you both are going out together often." it was like the movie, when the person you like asked about who the person you likes. Should i answer that person is him? No, don't, you'll make it worse.

"Arm.." i don't even finish my answer, there's someone on the door.

"Hey Tem, why are you here?" speak of the devil, that's Tem.

"I bought you this." he showed up a plastic bag from the Chinese food downtown.

"I already ate my breakfast, Gen cooked for me." Arm open the door wider and Tem can see me sitting on the dining chair.

"I want to get the file from your laptop, i  called you but you didn't answer." Tem entered the room and sit across me.

"Just copy the file, my laptop is on the bag. I'll take a shower then.." Arm took his towel and went inside the bathroom


"Gen.. I think you should tell him. It's the right time." Tem, he told me to tell the truth about my feelings to Arm like that was super easy to do.

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