Special Chapter : The Ring.

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"Vegas, what are you wearing?" i look at him strangely, it's Saturday and 7  in the morning but he already wearing his suit and tie. 

"I'm going to Macau's school." he answered me while wearing his watch.

"It's Saturday and Macau is still sleeping. Why you have to go there? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm gonna collect his yearly report. Do you wanna come with me?" he kisses my forehead. I still sitting on the bed with blanket on, i'm too lazy to get up but i want to come with him.

"I'm not even showered yet."

"I'll wait for you, i give you 15 minutes. Hurry up!" he pulls both of my hands until i stand up.


This whole week we were both staying in Vegas' house because Macau is now having a lover and Vegas used our holiday as an excuse to staying here, but i know for sure it's all about he's worry about grown-up-Macau which now dating someone for the first time.

"Are you sure you only want to get his yearly report and this is not about Chay?" i asked.

"Chay? So that boy's name is Chay?" he's behind the steering wheel and look at me shocked, why did i know about his brother's boyfriend but he didn't.

"Yes, Porchay. They were closed since Chay was in freshman year, but officially dating about three months ago."

"What??? I knew about him dating someone was only in past two weeks, that's why i asked you to sleepover in my house this week. Shit. What else did he hide from me?" he seems angry, but playfull angry like felt betrayed because Macau told me everything he didn't tell his brother.

"Vegas, what are you worrying about? He's 18." i try to stand in Macau's side.

"So what if he's 18?"

"Chill, Vegas. I already digging up all about him, he seems like a good guy. Very good guy. Even his brother is a good guy."

"You know his brother?"

"Yes, we followed each others on instagram. His brother's boyfriend is really cute, though. Have a strong jawline and seductive brown eyes." i said what i said, i didn't even think about how Vegas hearing what i said.

"I'll deactive your instagram when we arrived at Macau's school." hmm, i didn't expect that.

"Vegas... are you serious?" i answer with laughing and he looks serious about what he said.

We arrived at Macau's school and there's a long line to some booth that i can even read what booth it is.

"Phi Vegas, phi Pete." there's Macau, how can he's here?

"Why are you here? I thought you're still sleeping."

"No, i was here since 7 AM to attending this..." he pointing to the long line i noticed earlier, it turns out to be a line for university application.

"This one, phi, this one is the place that i aim for. They have a good program about sport there." he talks to me while holding my arm and pointing to one of the booth with his other hand.

"I wonder who's your real brother, Macau." Vegas mumbling next to me.

"Are you jealous about your brother have another favorite brother or you jealous about your boyfriend likes your brother more than you?" Macau talks back.

Suddenly, there's a boy walking cutely towards us while shouting Macau's name.

"Maaacauuu..." that's Chay, i've seen his picture ealier when Macau proudly told me that he have a boyfriend.

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