Chapter 4 : Not A Mistake.

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"You are my future boyfriend." Vegas said.

"I don't know a guy like you can tell a jokes too." i said.

"Who's joking? I'm being serious." i don't want to ask anything anymore, so i look away from him and try to sleep. Vegas getting closer and hug me from behind. 


The next morning, i woke up alone on Vegas' bed. I can't find him everywhere, but i found a little note written on sticky notes on the fridge;

Gotta go, i have morning class. See you at lunch.

Lunch? Who said i'm going to have a lunch with him?
I walk out from his room and walk to my room. I bumped into Arm which already dressed for another day of his internship. Damn, what should i say?

"Hi babe? So sorry i went home really late. I'm glad that i can count on Vegas to look after you. He told me that you were talking nonstops about yourself and watching movie the whole night."


"Hmm, yea.. It was.... it was really fun." i stuttered and hoping that Arm didn't find it weird.
"Okay i gotta go, babe. Love you." he kissed me on the cheek and left.
"Hmm babe, i already booked a table on our favorite restaurant and i invited Vegas to have lunch with us. As an apology for you about yesterday and for him because i really got his hands full." Arm, i felt so bad about hiding things from you. You are really a good guy. You always looks for something good at people. I spent the whole night with Vegas, and you invited him for lunch?

"Okay babe. See you at lunch, then." then he goes to work and i got back to my unit.

So that's why Vegas said that we're gonna meet at lunch.

I go to bathroom and standing in front of the mirror. There's a lot of bruises from last night. I hope Arm's gonna be too tired like these past days so he won't ask for sex until this marks are gone.


At campus, me and Gen are texting each other about meeting up on art room before we go to class at 10. And there he is, with his baby pink polo shirt and white trouser, standing outside the room and wave at me.

"Hi Gen. Why don't you get in?"
"Class is cancelled, Pete. So we have free time now. We'll have another class on 3PM. Do you wanna get something to eat? Or maybe coffee? I wanna talk about yesterday." Gen said with serious face. Did he know about Vegas??

"I'm going to have lunch with Arm today, so maybe we can only have snacks so i don't get full later." i said. Then Gen ask me to with him top coffee shop which not really far from campus.


At the coffee shop, we sit next to the huge glass who can easily spotted by people who walking by.

"Yesterday, why did Vegas pick you up from class?" Gen didn't waste anymore time, he asked me the second we sat on the chair.
"Arm asked him to accompany me."
"That's really long story, the only thing that i can tell you is Arm is like, trusting me to Vegas. He asked Vegas to be there for me while he's away and busy with his internship." i'm telling the truth, even though not the whole story.

"Did Arm know about Vegas?" Gen asked.
"What's wrong with Vegas?"
"Did Arm know that Vegas liked you back then and maybe until right now?" Gen's question startled me.

"How did you know?" i asked.

"Everyone knows. Wait... don't tell me that you didn't know that Vegas is head over heels for you?" Gen which earlier talking to me whilst sipping his drink, now he put his mug and look at me dead in the eyes.

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