Special Chapter : 🔞 Part 2 - Mine, and Mine Only.

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"Vegas..." i felt really afraid when he walking right towards me with his intimidating eyes.

"Why did you lie? Are you cheating on me?" he walks closer and grabbed my arms.

"Vegas. It hurts, please stop." i'm shivering just by looking at his eyes.

I didn't see his eyes looking like this for a long time. I'm forget that his eyes can be this terrifying.


My LINE notification rang, i crossed my fingers and hoping it's not Time who texted me. Vegas grabbed the phone from my hand and read the message.

"Who the hell is this?" he showed me text from Time, he send a candid photo of me sipping on my iced choco while we were meet earlier. With caption; you look cute today, can we meet again when your boyfriend didn't waiting for you.

What? Why did he text me that?

"He is the owner of the car that i hit this morning."

"So you went out with him and lied to me? It doesn't even make sense, Pete."

"I didn't tell you before because i know you'll just gonna give him some money to clear up the problem. He only ask for a drink, so i agreed to meet him. That's all."

"Doesn't make any sense for me, Pete." his hands grabbed my arms even harder.

"Can you let me go first? It really hurts me, Vegas."

"So you just cheating on me just like you were cheating on Arm?" he lets go of my arms and walk away from me.

"No, Vegas, i was just meeting him to say thanks and i didn't want to owe him anything after hitting his car. Just it. Please trust me." i follow him and try to make him look at me.

"Then why are you lying?"

"Because i know you'll get angry if you knew he texted me on LINE and asked me to meet up. So i just went there and paid his drink so he doesn't bother me anymore. Just it."

"He asked you out?" it was the only thing that Vegas heard of all my explanation.

"To made up about the car, remember?"  i clarified with him.

"Then why he sent you that picture?"

"I don't know."

"Was he flirting with you??" he was raising his voice again.

"I made it clear that i have a boyfriend."

"So he texted you to meet up when the boyfriend not waiting. What a good man he is." he's being sarcastic.

"Please don't mad at me.." i hugging him and staring up at his face while my chin is resting on his chest while i'm hugging him.

"I don't. If you say you didn't cheat, i trust you." he walks away again after let go of my hands which embracing his body.

"Then why you didn't hug me back?" i'm sulking.

"I'm sleepy." he walked away towards the bedroom door.

"Vegas. Did you really mad at me?" i grabbed his hand and trying to hug him again.

"Don't touch me." he said it with his lower tone. I know i messed up right now.

"Vegas.." he didn't even stop and just enter the bedroom without even look at me.

It's not even 4 PM yet, he's not gonna sleep in this time right? Shit, he must be really mad at me. I'd rather he hits me or yelling at me like he used to do. Not like this, i'm really confuse right now.

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