Chapter 7 : Too Good To Be True.

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I'm still here, at Vegas's unit until Gen's call waking me up. It's 10AM and Vegas still sleep peacefully next to me. I missed Gen's call on purpose, after the ringing is over, i read the text and that was Arm who texted me..

bby, tomorrow' s schedule is postponed, i'll come home rn. If you can't wait for me, just sleep. I woke you when i arrived.

Babe, whr r u? I'm home.

Pete. U'r not at Gen's or Jin's. Where are you?

And there's 34 texts which sound the same. And 22 missed calls from Arm, 9 missed call from Gen, and angry texts from Jin who cursed me with every curse words that exist.

I'm not even finish reading all the text, my cellphone is ringing again, and that's Arm.

"Hi babe, i'm sorry i overslept." i said immediately after i picked up the phone.

"Oh my God, Pete. Where were you?? Are you okay?" even after i disappear the whole night, first thing he do is worry about me.

"Yea, i'm just overslept."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Vegas' unit."

"Really, this morning i've knocked on his door and no one answer. You both really stay the night to watch the series, weren't you? Okay, i'll come get you now." Arm hung up the phone. I felt relieved when Arm came to conclusion that me and Vegas were watching the television series.

But as soon as i look away from my phone, i saw the whole mess we made last night. My eyes are scanning the whole room and this is not looking good at all. This is not the room when people stay the night watching Netflix series.

"Vegas!! Wake up!!" i'm shaking Vegas' body until he open his eyes and stretching his body. Damn, he looks really sexy. But i have to stay focused, Arm is only 2 minutes away.

"Put on your clothes, Arm is here." i still picking up the blanket on the floor, our clothes, picking up the plastic glass and fruit basket which we threw on the floor last night because we had business to do on the counter.

"Where?" Vegas wide awake and put on his new t-shirt from his drawer and pass me his t-shirt because i also topless and only wearing my short.

"Pete.." Arm is here.

I make sure everything is normal about the room, and i nod to Vegas to give him permission to open the door.

"Hi Arm. Sorry, i just woke up." Vegas still keep his cool. Why can people like him stay calm under this circumstance?

Then Vegas asked Arm to go inside and here we are, three of us inside Vegas' apartment unit, stay silenced for about 2 minutes. Arm is sitting on high chair next to the counter which i already wiped clean on the 'speeding up cleaning' earlier. Vegas is checking his phone while standing in front his bedroom door and me, i standing next to balcony door, which really weird because in my mind, i knew i'm not supposed to be close enough with Arm or he's gonna smell something weird on my body. Could be smell of anything. Maybe our sweat which already mixed up on ou body or maybe he could smell the scent of  Vegas' cigarettes which i believed its scents still here all over my hair because i slept on Vegas' lap when he was inhale and exhale that nicotine.

"So, you were both watching or what?" Arm sounds really curious.

"Yes, we watched the whole night. That's why we woke up really late." i answered.

"Then why no one answer the call?"

I choked, i didn't find any answer.

"I put my phone on the bedroom." Vegas gives his answer. "Sorry Arm, when Pete told me that you weren't come home, i asked him to finish the series on my place." he tried to back me up. I feel release for a moment, until Arm asked me again; 

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