Chapter 8 : Gen.

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It has been a week since Vegas happened. I always avoid every possible way to have an encounter with him. He texted me twice, the first day after the day we had sex. But i didn't answer and he maybe got the memo that i ignored him, so he didn't try any harder. 

"Pete, for this two days i'm going back to campus and finish all the papers i need for preparing the graduation. So i back to work by Monday. And for this two days, can i ask you to waste your time for me only. There's no Gen and Jin." Arm said when i was about to go to campus.

"So, can we go together?" me being happy because i don't have to take the public transportation to school.

"Of course.."

"Why didn't you tell me? So i don't have to woke up this early. I have class at 10, so we can leave at 9 and i should've woke up at 8.30." me sulking at him because it's 8 AM and i already on my 'war' gear. With this heavy backpack and all these art books on my hands.


"We'll meet after class around 5PM, okay? I love you, babe!" Arm dropped me off on my faculty building, Gen and Jin already waiting for me there. 

"Pete, did you still don't want to share about what happened that night to us?" Gen asked me when we walk to our class.

"Did you cheats on him?" Jin said that without any hesitation while keeps chewing gum on his mouth.

"..." i stay silent and didn't respond anything.

"Pete.. why don't you denied what Jin said?" Gen is stopped in the middle of the campus hall, me and Jin followed.

"I just talking nonsense. Forget about it, Gen. If he was cheating on Arm, there's no way Arm drop him off with smiley face like that." Jin said.

"Pete..." Gen still doesn't care about anything and try to hear my answer.

"Pete, did you sleep with Vegas?" Gen question shocked me.

I have really obvious answer with my respond after Gen asked that question. 

"God, Pete! Did you really did that to Arm?" Gen looks really disappointed in me. He just left after asked that questions.

He ignored me this whole morning. After the class dismissed, i try to talk to him again and he still doesn't wanna talk to me. Gen is basically knew everything about me and Arm, he's the one who encouraged me to open my heart to that university dude when i was on senior year on high school. Gen was really happy when i told him that we were offically together. On our first anniversary, Gen is the one who scolded me when i got upset at Arm just because he came late to our anniversary dinner. Gen have his favorite line, 'You'll never find anyone like him even if you're wait for thousand years.'

And he was right then and super right, for now, Arm is the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Gen!! Stop!" i pull his hand and he have no choice than standing face to face with me.

"You are really stupid, Pete! I told you before that you should cut the bullshit with Vegas. Look what you did!" Gen is totally upset.

"Everything is cool between me and Arm. We settled things up. You don't have to worried."

"Oh ya?? Do you really think he was just let bygones be bygones that easy? Do you think he was just forget what you just did? Pete, come on, no way you think about it like that, right?" i just stood still, i don't know what i have to say.

"Do you remember when you were mad at him and didn't answer his phone and texts weeks after your first anniversary? When you were the one who on purpose talking to other guy just because you were angry because you thought he never gets jealous it means he never loved you?" Gen temper is get worse. "Do you remember that?" i nodded.

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