🔞 Chapter 9 : Addicted.

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Today is Monday and Arm is back to his busy schedule. I started my morning with preparing his lunchbox and give him a steamy kiss to start up his day. What a pervert, you Pete.

It's 11 AM, i have class on 2 PM but i feel like i wanna get there early and grab some snacks from street food nearby the campus. I'm on elevator and its stop one floor below my floor, i didn't have anything in mind, until the elevator door was open, and there he is, Vegas.

Why did he always show up when Arm is not with me?

He just got into this elevator and said nothing, until we reach the lobby and i stepped out, he still said nothing even though he looked at me in the eyes when the door is about to closing up.

"Vegas." i hold the door and stepped into the elevator again.

"What?" he asked with his snob face.

"I'm sorry i ignored your text and your calls." 

"When was it? A month ago? I already forget, you should forget it too." he said that and the elevator made a sound which telling us not to hold the door opened for too long.

Then i stepped out and Vegas still doesn't say anything.


"Are you okay?" Gen again noticed something wrong with me. We're in the class and i'm spacing out.

"I need to leave." i bring my bags with me and left the class. I'm standing in front of Vegas' faculty building, then i spotted Boun which sitting on the pavement with 2 guys that i didn't know.

"Phi Boun, hi.. I'm Pete. I wanna ask, do you know where's Vegas now?" he staring at me and took a deep breath before he answer. "He's with  his boyfriend right there." he points at the window behind where they're sitting.

"Boyfriend?" i was confused.

"Right through this way. The first room on the right." Boun shows me the direction. "But knock before entering the room, i'm afraid Vegas is doing his business right there." then three of them laughing.

I walked to the way that Boun pointing at, but i doubt myself either i should approach Vegas or should i leave? He have a boyfriend, it all make sense now about how he acted on the elevator before. Then what's the point to come all the way here?

The second i decided to walk away, i turned my body around and Vegas' voice startled me.

"Pete, what are you doing here?" Vegas came out from that room with someone i didn't knew. Cute boy i say, with full red lips and fair skin. So, this is Vegas' boyfriend..

"Nothing. I should go back to class." i left.

I don't know why, my heart feels weird. I feel like i wanna throw up. My stomach is wiggling inside. My chest hurts. I cannot breathing properly. Am i getting a heart attack?

"Pete, are you okay?" Vegas' sounds suddely appear from behind me while i'm hovering in the middle of the sidewalk between his faculty and mine. Our faculty building is next to each other.

"I can't breathe.." i really try so hard to managed my breathing tempo.

"Take a deep breath, Pete!" Vegas holding my face with his both hands while i already sitting on the pavement, and instead of taking a deep breath like what he said, i grab his neck and kissed him. Then i got my breathing rhythm back to normal again.

I let go of my hands and scoot my butt back away from Vegas and looking around, lucky for me that all the people is on their classes right now and no one around.

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