🔞 Chapter 12 : Good Side of Bad Karma.

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It has been a three weeks since i broke up with Arm, i still stay at Gen's place. I still have some of my things on Arm's place. We still talked once a while and i think we're good now. I already told him that we're better off as a friend and he agreed. Two days ago i caught Gen is texting someone and blushing hard, and this morning i found out that the person is Arm, i told him that i'm beyond happy if they both can end up together. Arm is a good guy, i'd love him to end up with my bestfriend, Gen.

"You should ask him out, Arm will never asked you out first. You know him, Gen." i try to give Gen the best advise that i could give. Finger crossed, i really hope they're become boyfriends.

"He asked me out yesterday, and we're going to watch movie this evening. Are you really okay with this?" he asked me.

"YESSSSS. You should go! I know you for a very long time and this gonna be your first official date. Well, you've been in tons of dates before but never gone right. Either you ditch him in the middle of the date because you find no chemistry or you ditch them after the first date and ghosting them when they want to go to secoond date. Tonight you have to have a great night, Gen. You and Arm are always get along really well together. So it's not gonna be hard." i encouraged him. I know he feels uneasy about this because he's gonna date my ex, but i don't feel anything but happy for them.

"I'm gonna come home late, don't forget to bring the extra key with you." Gen asked before leave for the class. 

"I thought you're gonna go back to Arm's place tonight." i teased him until he's blushing and left with his car. I still waiting to Vegas to pick me up.

And there he is with his red car, he wearing his grey t-shirt and classic blue jeans. I got inside his car and we drive to campus.

"Pete, when are you gonna leave Gen's place and move in with me?" he asked me out of nowhere.

"Do you asked me to move in with you?" he never asked me to move in with him, so i thought this is how he ask.


"But we're not even dating officially." i try to ask for the clarity of what status we have right now.

"After all what we've been through, do you think i'm only a friend to you?" he seems mad.

"No, i mean, you never asked me to be your boyfriend."

"We're not teenager, Pete." he said. "Can you move in today? I only have one class and finish before lunch time, we can start picking up your things from Gen's and you sleep at my place tonight. Our place." i got goosebumps with the way he said 'our room'. We finally have something to share together and use the term 'our'.

I still hoping he asked me properly to be his boyfriend, though.


After lunch, i already told Gen that i'm gonna pick up some stuffs and put them on Vegas' place. Gen shocked at first but then he told me that he support whatever i do, so i'm happy now that my bestfriend still have my back. About Jin, he didn't know much about the detail because he also busy about his relationship with Zee who now doing the internship outside Bangkok.

"Ah, finally everything is done." Vegas exhausted after brought my stuff six times back and forth from his car and his apartment.

"Here, drink." i gave him a can of soda, his favorite.

"Thank you.." he drinks it.

"Why are you look at me like that?" i asked because Vegas looking at me like he wants to eat me, like a lion look at its prey.

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