Chapter 13 : The Other Problem.

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It has been 4 months since Vegas asked me to be his boyfriend and i lived in his apartment since then, we hung out everyday and even though he was totally different with Arm, i try so hard to diving into his world. Not trying to be compare between my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend, but Arm never did this.

"Don't wear that!" Vegas pointing out my short.I was gonna wear this short to Gen's BBQ party at his house, Vegas cannot be there because he have a report that he have to finish today.

"But i wore this kind of short, like, everyday." i stand up for my choice, because i'm pretty sure as long as i remember, i were always wearing this white short, not too short, just about three centimeters above the knee, and nothing happened if that's he worrying about. Why is he so overreacting?

"I cannot be there, and there's Arm over there."

"You worry about Arm which now dating Gen?"

"Yes, the same Arm that dating you for three years."

"Arm will never did anything like what's on your mind right now, and please don't start arguing with me."

"How can you be so sure that Arm will never did anything to you? You both being together for so long, and you show up with those sexy short, how can i believe that he can resist that kind of temptation?" Vegas just being Vegas, paranoid over his boyfriend.

"Because Arm is not a cheater. He will never cheats on Gen. If he chosen to be with someone, he'll focus only to that person, and never look away. You supposed to remember that i was the one who cheated on him and not the other way around." i got  irritated and gave Vegas a little attitude.

"I don't care about whatever your defense is, i'm not gonna let you leave this place if you're wearing that short."

It's already 5 PM and i was already put my shoes on. I have no choice then take off my shoes and go back inside our bedroom and change my short. Now i'm wearing this lame washed black jogger pants.

"Be back before 10, Pete!" is he really testing my patience with all the rules he gave me?

"Vegas! The real dinner start at 7 or maybe 8, then we'll have a chat, drinks, and chat again, like the other normal party at someone's house. And i have to be back at 10? Even the sun not set yet." i hyperbolic my words.

"Then, i'm not allowing you to go."

"So, this is exactly what toxic relationship feels like." my mouth works faster than my brain. I left the apartment with anger. 

On the elevator, i thought about what i said and i feel terrible for saying that. But he really got my nerves, i've never felt this kind of pressure when i was with Arm. But i can't keep comparing him ith Arm, i have chosen to be with Vegas all the way.

I change my mind and go back to my floor the second this elevator touched the ground floor.

"Here!" the second this elevator door opened, vegas already stood there and handing me my baby blue sweater that i left on the dining chair.

"Tell me what time you wanna go back, i'll pick you up. Take care and have fun." he said that and left, i follow him and hug him from behind.

"Sorry for what i said earlier and thank you for wanting to picking me up."

Vegas didn't say anything but rubbing my hands which wrap around his stomach.

"I'll text you what time you should come to pick me up, maybe after midnight. Hehehe, see you!!" i ran into the elevator after Vegas turn around and about to scold me again.

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