Special Chapter : Wedding Chaos (Part 1)

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It's 3 months before the wedding ceremony, but everything get worse than before. Even though it's the 4th year they're being together, they still can't predict everything ahead of them.


"Vegas. Where are you?" i call him again after waiting for him for 2 hours at the florist.
<I'm at the office. I have something to do.>
"What??? We're waiting for you two fucking hours and you still at your fucking office?" i didn't know my voice got louder, the whole room now looking at me. I bow my head and say sorry to everyone there.

I didn't continue the phone call with Vegas and just hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Nam. I think we have to reschedule the meeting. My fiance is forget that he had the appointment today." she understand and calm me down.

"Hey, Pete. You are my good friend since we were in middle school. Feel free to ask me anything, like.. this.. i know every couple went through this phase. When they're getting married, everything is faster, harder, more complicated than when they were dating. I overheard what you said on the phone earlier. I think your fiance is busy with his work and you don't have to think too much about it. I told you i can come to your place and bring all the sample, right? So you can tell me when your fiance is free, so i can come over." Nam is a really good friend of mine, she always bring positive vibes everywhere she goes. Like right now, she really understand how to calm my rage.

"Okay, i'll call you later."

I got out from my friend's store with a little bit anger in my heart. I hate the fact that Vegas agreed to meet me here when we talked about it this morning, but didn't tell me that he can't come.

I stick on my schedule today. After this, i have to pick up some packages in post office. Still wedding stuff i ordered from Korea and China.

40 minutes drive because the after office hours traffic and i arrived right after the post office closed, it's 5.30 and they were already closed. I cursed myself which waiting two hours for Vegas. I should've left after an hour and maybe now i already have the packages. Shit!


I already cooked the dinner since 7 PM and sit in front of the television until 10 PM. Vegas still hasn't answer my text and didn't answer my call. He didn't tell me he's gonna come home late. I threw the remote on my hand to the sofa and left to bedroom. I have a bad mood the whole day because of him and he didn't even feel guilty after the florist accident when i hung up his phone in the middle of our conversation.

It's 11 PM, i can't sleep even though i really mad and want him to get home seeing i already fell a sleep. But i'm getting anxious and worried. Where the hell is he in this time?


"Pete.." after i heard the sound of keycard opened the front door, in pretend to fell a sleep right away. I also heard he entered the bedroom immediately after he came in.

"I know you're awake. You texted me three minutes ago. There's no way you're sleep." dang! I forgot.

"You read my texts but not answer even once?" i flip my body facing him and sulking right away.


"You didn't even tell me you're gonna come home late." i added.

"I was super busy today. You know i'm going to take a whole month off on our honeymoon. So i have to finish all of my job before the day come." he explaining.

"What? Honeymoon? Vegas, we're getting married in three months and your off day is in the forth month from now, a month after the wedding. Why the fuck that you have to concern about that today? Do you think i'm stupid?" i burst out my anger.

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