🔞 Chapter 14 : The Toxic One.

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"Gen, i'm sorry about last night." i said my sincere apology to Gen where we were about to leave the class.

"Nah, it's okay. If i were on Vegas' shoes maybe i did the same. Actually i was shocked as well when i saw him touching your face like that. But then i saw the bruise and i know he was worried about that." Gen keeps looking at me and stop what he was doing.

"Did he hit you?" he asked me and looked really worry.

"By accident. He was drunk and when i'm about to took off his shirt, his hand landed on my face, just like that. He maybe a little bit rough on bed, but not hit me in daily basis, if that what's you were afraid of." i explained everything to Gen, i just don't want him to think that Vegas puts his hands on me.

"Okay, now can i ask again?" Gen looks really serious about this one.


"Are you happy?"

"You mean, happy about my relationship with Vegas?"

"Yes. I don't wanna cast out him or anything, but he seems a little bit... hmmm..." Gen is searching for the word, when suddenly Jin intefere.


"Not toxic, it's more like a little bit tempramental. I saw you dragged home like that and i was shocked." Gen and Jin looked at me waiting for my answer.

"I left early because today Zee have work to do, but i heard everything from Gen and Vegas is really toxic. Like, he is the walking red flags, Pete. I've been watching you and Arm for a very long time, and you always look happy. You looked at him with smiley eyes. But nowadays, even when our class is ended late and you have to come back home late, you seems really scared like you lived in boarding house which strict with their in and out schedule. You seems... unhappy." i've never heard something like this came out from Jin. He was always minding his own business and never put his nose into someone's matter. Now he looks really concern about me.

"We didn't mean to talk shit about your boyfriend, but i think you have to talk to him about how he handle his anger. I know he known as Vegas the Devil which have enemies everywhere and nobody wanna mess with him, but you're his boyfriend, he supposed to care for you and not treat you like the way he treated other people." Jin added.

Gen is only nodded as he agreed with everything Jin said.

"So, are you happy?"

I still don't know how to answer that, they're letting me keep this question and think about it until i found the answer by myself. Gen told me that i  have to talk about it to Vegas. But, where should i start?


It's 7PM and i already finish my homework and showered, i sit on the sofa and looking for something to watch while waiting for Vegas to come home.

"Hi Pete." its's 9PM and he came home sober, maybe i can talk about what JIn and Gen told this evening.

It took about 30 minutes for him to shower and checking his phone, now he sits next to me and asking about series that i watched.

"Are they in a prison?"

"Yes, this about the stories about the life inside the prison and the prisoners problems." 


"Yes, Korean."

"What's the title?"

"Prison Playbook."

Then we just sit still watching until this episode ended. When the credit title is running on the screen, i staring at Vegas' face as he looking at his cellphone.

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