🔞Chapter 3 : The Devil.

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"You don't have to be lonely." he said.

We lost on each other's eyes, his face is getting closer to mine. We're sitting on the sofa next to each others, he leaning towards me and i can feel his breath on my face. He kisses me. On the lips. Like, full kiss and not a peck.

I can't move, i should push him away and scold him, right? But why i feel like i want to feel the kiss, too? I want to feel his kisses.

I think it's my fault, we should going to eat Japanese or Chinese food instead.

We just took the wrong turn.



Vegas keeps kissing me and i kissed back. I even close my eyes now. I... i wanna taste him so bad right now.

His right hand grab me on my neck and his left hand grab my hair from behind and his grip is getting harder every second.

"H...hurt." i said it under my breath. He didn't even loosen his grip. He uses his right hand to move my head so he can kiss me on my neck. He bit me. "Vegas!" i warned him not to leave any marks. He pull himself and run his hand through his messy hair  before he pulls me by my arms then he take me to his bed.

My heart beats faster, my heart knows this isn't right, but the minute Vegas hover on top of me and took off his grey t-shirt, i lost it. He leads my hand to touch his upper abs and he slid it down to his lower abs. I can feel i'm catching my own breath, and he noticed.

He roughly remove my clothes, my lilac shirt gone first, i'm topless now. He continue kissing my neck and roughly go down until he stopped when he kissing my hip bone. 

"I'm crazy about your hips, Pete. I really wanna do this since the first time i saw you in high school." he said that with his deep voice and so slow almost like a whisper. Then he bite it, he bit my hip. I try to push his head, but i have no power against him. Vegas is so strong, he didn't even move a bit when i push his head so hard. I got a glimpse of Arm's face right now, but Vegas keeps biting my left hip and squeeze the other right so hard. And i don't even feel any pain, all i feel is pleasure all over my body. What's this feelings?

He turn my body over after he unzip my jeans and he take off my pants while i lay on my stomach. My heart is pounding really fast, when his lips touch my thigh from behind, i can help but moaning. 

"Hhh Ve..gas... ahh" then he stopped and roll me over again, now i laying on my back and he stripped down his pants. He lean down to kiss my lips again, now i feel his bare skin and his muscles touch my skin. I got goosebumps all of the sudden.

"Can i do it?" Vegas ask me. What are you thinking to ask this question after we both naked on the bed like this? I said nothing and pull him by his neck and kiss him again. Our tongue feels like complement each others. And what makes me really turn on are Vegas is moaning in between our kiss. 

I pushed him and switch our position, he's now under me, i kiss all over his body and he keeps moaning with his raspy voice "Yes Pete, i love that.." he said when i started to put his penis inside of my mouth. Only for good two minutes maybe, he push me again to lay on my back.

"I can't hold it any longer, Pete." he pushes my legs up onto my stomach and he reached for the drawer next to his bed and take out condom and new flip top caps of lube and ripped out its seal and coating his finger with it. He pushed a finger deep to my behind and right away put the second fingers in. My sound of moan is getting louder. "Scream as hard as you want, Pete. I love it."  he said whilst keep moving his fingers in and out my behind. "Ahh.. Vegas.. just put yours inside." i said as  i can't even hold for my release.

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