Special Chapter : Part 1 - Mine, and Mine Only.

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"Vegas, i forgot to buy your pasta yesterday, i have to go to groceries store and be back in an hour. Love you.." i whispered in his ear when he was a sleep, Vegas never had a deep sleep, so if i whispering in his ear like this, even if he's a sleep, he'll listen and remember when he wake up. What a unique human being he is.

"Hmm.." he just mumbling and nodding his head. And i just left the apartment and hit the road with his car.

It's 9 AM on Saturday, so we just gonna stay at home the whole day but i forgot the most important thing to buy when i went for weekly shopping, pasta, Vegas' favorite. It has been a year since we were together, but still i always forget to buy pasta. He can't blame me, i'd never bought pasta before, i don't even like pasta.


"Shit!" i hit the other car on the parking lot. I crossed my fingers and hoping the owner of this car is a nice person. I got out from my car and it's only a little scratch, anyway. I can just give him/her money to fix it. I left my name and phone number on his windshield to show her/him that i'm a responsible person.

I can't wait here until the owner come back, i already told Vegas that i'll be back in an hour, if i took more than an hour, he'll have the attitude the whole day and i don't want that.


Only took me about 15 minutes to grabbed the pasta and paid for it, when i back to my car, the car next to me already gone. I checked my phone but no one called or texted me. Is it possible that he's not gonna ask for compensation?

I put back my phone and drive home.


"You awake?" i asked the obvious. Vegas already doing the pull ups on the balcony like he always do.

"Why did you need an hour to buy a pasta?" he's done with his morning worked out and walks towards me without the top and of course, sweating everywhere.

"Hmm, i just gave an estimation." i answered.

"But you did away for an hour. 55 minutes to be exact." that was one of his ability, noticing the smallest detail.

I didn't even give my excuse, my phone rang.

"Who's calling you in this time?" he's changed so much. Usually he'd grabbed my phone and checked everything in it. But this time, he only give me the snob face and waiting for my answer.

"I don't know, i don't know this number." i answered him and pick up the phone.

<Hi, this is Time. I'm the owner of the red car that you hit this morning.>
"Oh.. Halo Time. Thank you for calling me, so sorry for what i did this morning. How was your car?"
<It's fine, it just need a little magic to cover up the scratch. And it's already done. Thank you for leaving your contact so i can give this information for you. I'm afraid you'd waiting for my call.>
"Actually, yes, i was waiting for your call. Thank you for let me know."
<Okay Pete.. Pete, right?>
"Yes, i'm Pete. Nice to know that you are a really good guy. Thank you again for calling me. Have a great day."

I hung up and i saw from the corner of my eyes, Vegas and his angry face. I know what he was thinking.

"I hit his car this morning, so i left my contact and he called me. That's it."

I can see Vegas' face still full of questions, but he was just nodding his head and walking to coffee machine and make his own coffee.

My LINE notification rang.

<Hi Pete, your number connected to your line and automatically added as my friend list. Your profile picture, is that your face?>

Time texted me on LINE. Of course i replied since he is a nice guy.

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