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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ℂ𝕎! 𝕡𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕔 𝕤𝕖𝕩, 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥 (𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤)•°*"˜.•°*"˜

   damn, his eyes... you thought, staring at your crush, min yoongi, who was chatting with his guy friends. you were supposedly his 'best friend', but that faded near senior year, when he became  a total asshat fuckboy. you've been friends since third grade, and you've been feeling for him since seventh, so about four-and-a-half years.

    your thoughts trailed from soft to sinful real quick, though, when you saw him bite his lip while listening to his friends. sitting on the desk, his legs were spread open as his tongue slid across his pink lips which you imagined kissing night and day. you started to look down at his crotch through his joggers when the bell rang, snapping you out of your dirty thoughts.

    the teacher came into class, everyone stopping what they were doing and getting ready. fuck, we have a quiz today..., you thought, groaning and putting your head in your hands. you then felt a hand on your shoulder, you looking behind to see who it was. to your surprise, it was yoongi giving a small smile.

    you smiled back at him, internally screaming at his gesture. you then went back to your work, getting frustrated. the class phone then began to ring, you looking up at the teacher as she looked back at you.

    "uh, yes, ____ will be right there. yeah. i'll send yoongi down with her to make sure she gets there like she's supposed to. alright." she looked up from her desk, tapping her pen. "____, yoongi, they've called you to the office. ____ needs to get some thing situated with .... her people."

you looked around at you classmates staring at you, but played it cool. "uh, miss elliot, i can go do it myself. we're not in third grade, i don't need a one-to-one," you said non-chalontly.

"well, i'm aware, miss ____, but considering what events occurred last time i let you leave my classroom i'm taking precautions." she said sternly.

    you heard some of your classmates snicker at your teachers' comment. you sighed and yoongi got up, you following. your parents were the overprotective type, so you weren't surprised. you both walked out the classroom, walking down the hall and not saying anything to each other. you noticed that yoongi was off, and he was following behind you.

    in a few more steps, you stopped to ask yoongi why he was acting strange when he pulled a door open and pushed you into a closet. it was dark, but when you felt lips press onto yours you sort of felt relieved.

    your eyes widened and you pulled away in shock, gasping for air. "why -- wait, what -- why'd you--"

    being cut off again by yoongi's lips, this time you held onto his shoulders and kissed him back. he squeezed your ass, sitting on the ground, you following to straddle his lap.

   he pressed kisses down your neck, you being too caught in the moment to think about school.

    he moved you over, pulling your skirt up and placing you on one of his thighs.  "grind." he said, you complying as he bounced his leg up and down.

    you blushed a bit, softly grinding onto his thigh. you were scared to moan in front of him, so you did the bare minimum as far as grinding was concerned.

    this act didn't last long, though. yoongi scoffed, gripping your waist, holding you in place and bouncing his leg harder.

    at this point, you were letting yoongi do all the work. he nibbled on your neck, making you whine out in pleasure. you immediately shut yourself up after realizing what you had done.

    "no, baby, no need to be quiet," yoongi started, still holding your waist and rocking your hips. he leaned in to whisper in your ear, the grip on your waist getting tighter as he chuckled in your ear with a smirk plastered on his face. "let everyone know who you belong to."

    now, your moans were uncontrollable. yoongi reached up to lock the door -- knowing this'd be a while -- and he's all for it. he slid his hand under your skirt, unzipping it and fiddling with your panties. after about a minute, he found your clit and began pinching and rubbing it.

    you felt your juices all over his fingers, the friction from his leg getting you off as well. so close to cumming, you were begging for more. you started to unbutton your shirt, yoongi taking the opportunity to suck on your nipples.

    you then came all over his fingers and pants leg, your body squirming on top of him. yoongi got up an placed you on top of a shelf, then quickly took of his shirt and pants, his member growing bigger in his boxers. he palmed himself slowly, and you could've sworn you were drooling at the sight.

    "fuck, baby, i'm gonna fuck you so good that you'll be screaming my name, and when school lets out we'll do it all again," yoongi said, now fully naked and stroking his cock. he leaned in to kiss you, his fingers prodding at your wet hole.

    he grabbed his cock, nodding at you for consent as he slid inside you. he felt even bigger than he looked, and he could barely even fit.

    as he started to move, you held onto the shelf with one hand and your swollen, wet clit in the other. you played with the pink bud as he thrusted deeper, feeling him hit your womb repeatedly.

   "p-please... huu~ oh my god it's s'good!" you whined out, getting closer to your second orgasm.

   "baby, you feel so good wrapped around my dick, i'm gonna fill you up, make you feel so full that you'll be begging for more of my cock~," he said. yup, you're drooling.

    "fu-uck i'm close!" you whined, feeling him thrust slower and sloppier. with a few more thrusts, you were cumming again. the semi-clear liquid coated his cock, you almost screaming at the pleasure.

    without warning, yoongi pulled out and came all over your stomach and thighs. it was so warm and creamy, and you were feeling noting but pleasure.

    you licked your lips, feeling all fucked out and sweaty.  yoongi rode down from his high, coming back to reality.

    he got a towel and began to wipe you off, you softly smiling at his effort.  you got up off of the shelf, almost falling all over yourself because your knees were so weak.

    yoongi chuckled, smirking. "i don't think it'll be appropriate of me to send you to your parents like this. how 'bout we kick it at my place?"

© 2020 (may) by u4ikal on wattpad. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not repost, copy, translate, or distribute my work under any circumstances.

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