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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ℂ𝕎! 𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕕𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜/𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕩, 𝕕𝕦𝕓𝕔𝕠𝕟/𝕔𝕟𝕔, 𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕒𝕤𝕞 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 + 𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕒𝕝•°*"˜.•°*"˜

you and yoongi were arguing for the third time today, especially over the smallest things. he was shooting some really low blows, and you were getting fed up.

you both had come back from his album release party in seoul, and tensions had already arose way before then. while he was having the time of his life, all you could do was fake smile and wave at all of his colleagues.

"you know what yoongi? fuck you! all you do is fuckin' brag about all the money you make to motherfuckers who don't give a flying fuck about you."

"well if you weren't so gullible and believe everything you hear and be so quick to jump to conclusions, we probably wouldn't be having this argument right now!" he yelled, balling his fists.

"if I'm gullible an-and weak-minded, you're immature. all you do is whine about this, that and the third and walk around like the world owes you something! news flash, don't nobody owe you a damn thing! oh, as a matter of fact, since you have all the money in the world, here!" you spat, biting back tears while you snatched the gold necklace that yoongi gave you to wear to the party off your neck, throwing it on the floor of your shared bedroom. you turned away to wipe your eyes, then went back to look at him. "I hate you so fucking much, yoongi."

you could hear him growl and step closer to you. "don't do this, ____. you might as well stop now." the authority in his voice infuriated you even more, and when you hauled off to slap him, he grabbed your hand and stared into your soul, anger in his eyes. "I said stop."

you both stood there in silence, your breathing shaky. a tear slid down your cheek, snatching your hand from his grip. "I hate you, min yoongi." you said again, more angrily, yoongi clenching his fists.

he chuckled. "oh, really?" he took a deep breath and as he started to come to his senses and let his fury die down, it came back ten times worse. he yelled and threw you on the bed, getting on top of you and kissed you harshly.

you were so intoxicated by his kiss that you totally forgot why you were mad at him in the first place. his hand went up your dress, rubbing your thighs and upper leg.

small moans fell from your lips as he began to roughly unzip your dress, breaking the zipper in the process. tearing it off of you and revealing your soft skin, he left hickeys on your neck and chest. ripping your panties off, he stepped off the bed to take off his suit and then pounced back on top of you.

giving you no time to adjust, he slammed into you and thrusts slowly. he reached up to bind your wrists with his hand, purposely drilling into you at a painfully slow pace. he lets go of your hands, and instead grabs your waist for better leverage.

yoongi continues fucking into you slow and deep, you being so overwhelmed and blushy. you keep trying to hide your face behind your hands, but no no, yoongi doesn't let you, and grabs your hands again, shoving two of his fingers in your mouth and forcing eye contact.

"you were so big and bad just a few minutes ago, now you're shy? what happened to all that mouth, slut?" yoongi teased, making you clap your eyes shut. yoongi saw that and took his fingers from your mouth and slapped your clit, making your body jolt and a needy whine come from your throat.

"look at me while i fuck you, whore." you forced your eyes open, yoongi's taunting glare boring holes into your soul.

tears began to stream down your cheeks, yoongi's pace becoming faster, chasing his own high. "y-yoongi... please..." you pleaded with a whine of desperation, your wrists burning from yoongi's grip getting tighter on them.

he kept going even faster, the knot forming in the pit of your stomach becoming an unbearable pain. "yoongi, m'close, s-so close, please, please let me cum!" you moaned out, yoongi then leaning down to your ear.


yoongi pulled himself back up, watching your expressions change. after pounding your pussy until you were leaking and swollen, he snaked his hand around your neck, and squeezed it tight, you struggling to speak.

you could feel his cock pulsate into your clenching pussy, a tell that he was close. he let his seed fill inside you, coating your walls and thighs in white, breeding you. you were so close, and him denying your orgasm while breeding you wasn't working out so well for you.

"pl-please sir, i can't hold it!" you begged with and exaggerated whine, his thrusts coming to a halt.

yoongi chuckled devilishly, which turned to a taunting laugh. "oh, honey. you won't ever learn, will you?"  and with that, he pulled out of you and got off the bed, leaving you there, all fucked out and no chance of cumming anytime soon.

© 2021 (july) by u4ikal on wattpad. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not repost, copy or translate my works under any circumstances.

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