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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ℂ𝕎! 𝕡𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕔 𝕤𝕖𝕩, 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕕𝕦𝕓𝕔𝕠𝕟 •°*"˜.•°*"˜

this isn't the first time you and jeongguk have worked out together. as his best friend, this'd be you two's weekly regimen for the past six months.

running on the treadmill next to jeongguk, he grabbed the towel on the arm of the treadmill and wiped off his forehead. seeing this almost made you drool, but then you snapped out of your sinful thoughts. you've been his best friend since the debut of bts, and you didn't wanna mess that up over "feelings". so, you sucked it up and ran with him.

when you got off the treadmill, you sat down and saw jimin open the door. "hey gguk, shooting starts in a little over an hour so hurry the hell up and clean up or whatever ... just do what you need to do n-"

jeongguk cut him off with his hand. "dude. i got it. chill."

"whatever," jimin scoffed and walked out, leaving you and jeongguk alone.

"oh, i have an idea, ____." gguk then got in the plank position. "get on my back."

you blushed and sighed. "no way! you think my big ass-"

he gave you a pleading with hints of sympathy. he turned his head to smile at you, breathing heavily. "come on."

you playfully rolled your eyes and softly sat on his back. you couldn't say no to his puppy face. he lowered his body down, then up. you felt a wave of excitement as well as fear at the same time, being that close to him. you were literally sitting on him. he kept going up and down, going on to ten push ups with you on his back.

"alright, get off," jeongguk strained to say, you getting off his back. he collapsed on the floor, breathing hard and smirking.

he came closer to you sitting up on the floor, your arms twisted to support you. he looked even bigger to you now that he was like this, and you didn't dare to speak. or stare. you quickly looked away, pretending to look to your side to the exercise equipment.

"i'm over here," he said lowly, making you jump up. he stepped closer to where his toes were touching yours. looking down at you, he slowly bent down to your level in a squat, now looking into your eyes. "i know what you're thinking, ____."

did he really? you were almost visibly shaking in your seated position on the floor. you were finally able to make eye contact with him, and he was now smirking in your face. his face leaned into yours until you could feel his breath on your lips, and he cupped your cheek. and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.

you were in complete shock. like yeah, there were some subliminal messages from you to gguk about you liking him, but you always thought he took it as a joke. your breath hitched as he grabbed your waist, slowly and softly grinding his hard one onto your clothed cunt.

he then kissed you deeper, sliding his hand down your leggings and finding your clit. you pulled away, breathing heavily. he smirked, his hand still in your pants as he pulled you closer. "don't fight it, babe. relax..."

and the thing is, you didn't want to fight.

with that, he picked you up and laid you on the floor. he ripped your leggings and panties off, putting his fingers in your face. ''suck."

you complied and sucked on his fingers. after a few seconds, his fingers were coated in spit and he pulled his fingers out, the only thing connecting the both of you was a string of saliva. his wet fingers came down and prodded at your hole, you throwing your head back at the sensation.

he left small kisses on your inner thighs, going up to your cunt. he then licked a stripe up your pussy, nibbling on your clit. he then began to suck all over you, arching your back and moaning a bit louder. he saw how riled up you were getting from just his mouth, and pulled away with saliva dripping down your cunt.

"koo, why'd you stop?" you moaned out, your breath hitching when he stopped.

" 'koo?' " jeongguk smirked, going back down on you. he scoffed and laughed. "i'm not gonna treat you like 'koo' would now. believe that."

his words made you squirm. one part of you made you curious of all the things he could do to you, and another wanted things to stay the same; your unrequited attraction just tearing through you. but of course, the first thought overpowered everything.

"please, jus' touch me," you moaned, grabbing his hair and bucking up your hips.

he chuckled again and went back down on you. you were close, and jeongguk could tell. you squirmed and shook as you came all over his face and chin, gguk holding your waist in place. overstimulating you, he roughly put his fingers inside you and thrusted them quickly.

he came back up to look into your eyes, still playing with your pussy. "hey, i'm gonna stretch you out now. you ready?"

you whined and nodded yes. jeongguk then got up and took off his grey shorts, pulling his cock out of his underwear and taking them off. you gasped at the sight, wanting more.

jeongguk got on his knees, pulling on his hard length slowly before inserting himself inside you. he was so big and thick, and he could barely fit inside. now you see why he had to stretch you out.

once he was in, he sat there to let you adjust to his size. when done, he thrusted slowly and softly, coming down to your face to where you're in missionary position.

at first, it was painful and rough, but the pain quickly turned to pleasure. his thrusts were sharp and deep, making your body jerk back and forth on him. his hands ran down your body and gripped anywhere they could, and your mind was so clouded in pleasure. you started to suck on his neck as he did you, leaving a few deep purple marks to cover his neck. you whined pleased babbles and praises in his ear as he kept ramming into you, hearing his groans fall deep into the room. jeongguk pressed wet kisses on your lips and neck, making you crave more. you now saw why you waited so long for him.

so close to another release, you gripped onto the towel beside you and grit your teeth.

"baby, you're gonna make me fucking cum~!" gguk whined. his thrusts now have gotten sloppy and drawn-out.

with that, you released your second orgasm, and he followed slowly after. jeongguk filled you halfway up and pulled out, cum still flowing from him. your body shook as you came again, this one better than the first. he then fell next to you, breathing heavily into your neck.

once you both caught your breath, he turned to look into your eyes and kissed your forehead.

"hey, can this not be like, a one-time thing? like, i really, really like you. you're so awesome, and super hot." he chuckled and softly smiled, running a finger through your hair as you kissed his cheek.

"yes. you already knew i liked you though. why'd you tease?"

he sighed. "i knew i was playing safe, i guess."

you two smiled at each other and sat in silence for a few minutes before the door swung open.

"jeongguk i- shit shit shit shit what the fuck dude?" jimin's voice yelled, covering his eyes.

"man, i told you they was fucking! where my $20 at?" (lol what's $20 to korean won) yoongi said, you and jeongguk scurrying to put your clothes on.

"now how the hell are we supposed to do the photoshoot when you have hickies everywhere?"

©️ 2020 (aug) by u4ikal on wattpad.com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not repost, copy or translate my works under any circumstances.

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