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˜"*°•.˜"*°• CW! infidelity, breeding, choking, language •°*"˜.•°*"˜

oh, fuck. here we go with this shit again.

this was the fourth time this week that namjoon has brought a new bitch to your shared dorm, and you're getting kinda tired. you and he got paired as roommates earlier this semester, and since you transferred from another university, you had gotten placed with the very last. you, a sophomore, and him, a senior, and yet, of all people, why him? besides having outstanding grades, he was in one of the biggest fraternities in the school, and they were known for producing the most fuckboys by their junior year.

you heard the girl giggle as she headed to his bedroom, holding namjoon's hand. sitting on one of those ugly ass bar stools that namjoon got for the kitchen, you sighed in irritation and hung your head. you began to listen closely as their moans got louder.

you had to admit, it did turn you on and now you got a bit jealous of how much attention that these random girls got from namjoon when your so-called "boyfriend" barely did. and when he did, it was terrible. shit, you took 'faking it' to a new level. you pictured yourself under him, his thick length ramming into you. you then slid your hand down your pants.

your moans almost began to match his. as soon as you were about to make a mess of your hand, his bedroom door swung open, followed by the girl stumbling across the floor, namjoon throwing clothes at her. you quickly removed your hand from your underwear, shakily grabbing your phone and pretending to text someone.

"alright, okay, time's up. go find another guy to fuck," he said coldly, but the girl just laughed. she was obviously drunk by the way she was acting, but joon seemed like he didn't give a damn. he just pushed her out the door, half-naked.

he walked back and clapped his hands as if he just touched something dirty. he then looked over at you, smiling as if he was slick.

"oh man, what was that for, namjoon?" you asked sarcastically, barely concerned at all.you kept typing away at your phone, not bothering to look up at him.

"glad you asked, thank you," namjoon started with a chuckle. "she could barely suck dick and she was drunk as hell so i just told her to fuck off. i don't have the time to deal with her slutty bulls-"

"well aren't you a slut yourself?" you finally looked up at him, cutting off his slew of words.

namjoon growled, but you held your ground. he then scoffed and chuckled, "are you jealous, ____?" he said, stepping closer to you.

"n-no! why-why would i be jealous of a hit-and-quit- bitch?" you stuttered, feeling intimidated as he stood above you.

he was now full on laughing when he came even closer to you until your foreheads were almost touching. he leaned down to your ear, stroking the side of your face and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "is that so, princess? because i think i heard you moan my name when jane was making a sad excuse of sucking dick."

his words sent a rush of adrenaline through your body, making you jerk forward in your seat. he pressed his lips to your neck, the contact making you squirm and grab his shoulders.

he pulled away with a smirk, seeing your frustrated expression. "am i right, or am i right?"

namjoon slowly pressed his lips onto yours and all you could do was kiss back. his lips were soft and plump, and he had to be the best kisser you've ever encountered. kissing everyone else was like pressing your dog's mouth up to your forearm and letting it sit there. kissing him was like closing your eyes and opening them to find yourself in outer space. this. thisthisthis.

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