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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ℂ𝕎! 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕓𝕒𝕝 + 𝕡𝕙𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟•°*"˜.•°*"˜

ugh. it was so boring with him gone.

sipping on a glass of wine in your living room, you slouched on the couch, flipping through cable channels with nothing to watch. only in jimin's oversized t-shirt and panties, you groaned and threw the remote on the coffee table. the shirt smelled so much like him, and now you were kinda in your feels that he's been gone so long. plus, you and chim barely even talk. you can count on a hand and a half how many times you and jimin have successfully talked in four months. you can count on your whole body plus some how many times you've called him with no answer, being blown off with him being busy, or even him giving you a simple decline. and even when he's home he's "busy." for real, those excuses get old quick.

as you can see, daytime (and nighttime) TV got boring, so that meant no home entertainment. your friends are dry as hell, so you don't talk to nor go out with them, so nothing to do outside. and drinking got boring too, and lord knows being with jimin, you needed a drink or two.

that means there's only one thing left you can do to kill time: masturbate. yes. no, jimin doesn't give you the most time and attention, but when he did, it was amazing. the sex was amazing. even though your tiny, frail hands were nothing compared to him, shit, it was something.

so, you took off the *soaked* panties you had on, trailing your hands up your smooth legs. once your hand had reached your core, you felt your slick coat your fingers. you then began to rub your clit softly, a sharp moan escaping your lips. your other hand went down to your cunt to finger it, doubling the pleasure.

you kept going and going until your mind was full of dirty thoughts of jimin. you were deep in them, so deep that you weren't even aware of your surroundings. you threw your head back, pulling it back up seconds later and opening your eyes to see a smirking jimin in the doorway of your living room.

he came closer, then sat on the loveseat across from you. "i came in through the back, trying to surprise you, ____. i suppose you were already thinking of me, hmm?" his voice was low and sexy, but he didn't sound too pleased.

jimin cocked his head to the left, licking his lips as he stared at your frozen state. he sucked his teeth and his stare became a glare.

"who gave you permission to touch yourself, princess?"

still frozen, you stammered for words. without looking at you, jimin raised his hand, signaling for you to stop talking. he then looked back up at you, smirking.

"who gave you permission to stop either?"

his cocky smile got bigger, and all you could do was sit there. he sank in his seat, spreading his legs and lightly palming himself. "come on, kitten, i don't have all day~" he sang, making you snap out of whatever trance you were in and move your hands

your right hand went back down to your core, placing your fingers at your hole. "that's right, slide them in, good girl," jimin praised, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

you continued with these movements until you were close to a release. you moaned loudly and shut your eyes at the pleasure, hearing jimin groan at the sight. as your eyes were closed, you heard fabric drop to the floor and figured it was jimin undressing. once you opened them, there he was, standing like a god before you.

with toned abs and erect dick, you could see the lust in his eyes as he came closer to you. he put his hands on either side of the top of the couch where you sat, and eagerly kissed you.

things got heated when he sat down and made you get on his lap. his erection rubbed against your ass and pussy, earning a deep growl from him. he began to kiss down your neck and chest, leaving a few hickeys there.

he pulled away before speaking, his fingers prodding at your hole as you buried your face in the nape of his neck. "you want it bun, huh? you wanna ride me on the couch like the little slut you are? hmm?" he held your neck as he spoke, getting tighter with each moment you didn't respond. you whined into his neck, grinding yourself onto him. he spoke again. "use your words, bunny."

"y-yes..." you muttered out, your head still in his neck. he pulled you up, making you face him.

"hmm, what was that? speak up, i couldn't hear you doll," jimin teased, making you whine once more.

you groaned. "f-fuck... yes! i want you so bad, i fucking need it! please make me feel good," you pleaded, hanging your head and holding onto his shoulders.

"who's gonna make you feel good, love?" he kept teasing, like he could go on for ages while your slick wet up his dick.

"y-you... you sir," you replied with a crack in your voice, making jimin grin.

he pulled you up and positioned himself at your entrance before ramming his thick length inside you. he didn't hesitate to move, no matter how tight you were. as you both watched his member disappear inside you, he began to rock your hips on him.

as he bounced your body up and down on his length, your moans became uncontrollable, incoherent nothings as he repeatedly hit your womb. his moans were loud and raspy, yet deep and sexy, like he knew he was in control.

the tight knot that was once there previously had returned, and you were ready. "fuck- ngh- i'm gonna c-cum!" you yelled, throwing your head back when jimin bucked his hips up inside you.

a cocky smirk spread across his face, twitching at times due to the pleasure he was enduring. "and who's gonna make you cum, darling?"

"you, sir."

"who? say it just a little bit louder for the whores in the back." he hit your sweet spot once more.

"ah, you jimin! pl-please just make me fucking cum~!" you cried, almost choking on your own moans.

shit. you could feel that orgasm in your soul, it was that good. as you squirted on him, leaving his cock drenched in your juices, he shot his hot, creamy load inside you.

you collapsed next to him on the couch, you both breathing heavy breaths. his eyes opened and looked at you, admiring your smaller frame. he then laid down next to you, his strong arms holding your sides. he began to pepper kisses down your neck, whispering little nothings in your ear.

"good girl."

© 2021 (january) by u4ikal on wattpad. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not copy, repost or translate my work under any circumstances.

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