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Two families gathered on the living room with two 20 years old daughters, facing each other in a serious but calm manner.

"it's still a long way, Sir. When they both turns 25, the wedding will absolutely be held. In the meantime, let me prepare my daughter to be the CEO of my company." Mr. Kim, one of the fathers said.

"that would be great. Our daughters will have to work together in order to make this work. Remember that we need each other, Sir. I hope they can recover the fall of our companies." The other said back, feeling satisfied.

"thank you for trusting us."

"why am I here again?" Winter, the young girl sitting lousily on the couch, feeling uninterested. "did you say something about marriage?"

"can you be serious for a bit? This is not something you can play with." Her father glared at her.

"damn. Must be boring." She said. "so you're the one that I'm gonna marry?" she looked at the other girl. "you also looks boring. I don't want it."

"hey, that's rude." Her mother nudges her arm. "I'm so sorry."

"that's fine. You're the only company that is capable to help mine. This marriage is also a form of contract so we can't turn our back to each other." The older man pulled out a file. Mr. Kim needs to sign it. "I promise that you won't receive any form of loss in the process."

"Mr. Yoo, if everything turns out well, what will happen to them?" one of the mothers asked.

"for me personally, I will let them choose. Karina is very persistent and will not accept any disadvantages in any situation. I'm sure she can manage." The other woman replied.

"if there's nothing more to talk about, I'm gonna go." Winter stands up and walks to her room.

"well, then. I'll leave that to you. I don't think I have to worry about my daughter." Mr. Yoo proudly said.

"oh. I've prepared a house for them too." Mr. Kim added.

"ah... I guess we have the same thoughts." Mr. Yoo then stands up, followed by the rest. "we'll be going. Nice to work with you."


Winter spends her time mostly with playing games, going out with her friends, or just chilling at home.

"well, fuck my life I guess." She said to her phone.

"it won't be that bad. Chill out." her friend said.

"you think marriage is not that bad? Dude, look at my parents. All romantic for the show. I don't wanna be like them. I'd rather sleep with bunch of girls than stick to one." Winter flipped herself over.

"that's so you. If that's the case, you can just go, right? It's only on the paper, no feelings involved. That should be easy."

"that's what I thought." Winter then heard a knock on her door. "I'll call you back."

She then walks to the door and opens it. A maid walks in with a tray of food.

"here's your... dinner." She smirked.

"which one?" winter grabs the tray and put it on the table beside her. "this... or this." she points at the food then to the maid herself.

"your choice, miss."

Her other way to spend the night is to just sleep with her maids. Her parents didn't know, of course.

"get ready. I want something great to end the night." Winter takes off her shirt and pants and sit on the bed. "I want you to show everything."

"of course, miss."


Meanwhile, Karina is busy reading her book, trying to sleep. wanting to be the next CEO, she also study hard in college. In some time, she follows her father to the company. you can say that her family born with ambitions and passion over career. Unlike Winter's parents, Karina's parents really loves each other.

"should I just..." Karina who's struggling to sleep, takes her phone and scrolls through the hub.

Just like Winter, Karina also has a secret. The not so innocent girl, really likes to pleasure herself. At least, that's the last thing that she thinks of in her free time.

She put on her earphones and listens to the audio instead of watching them. She's more comfortable that way. Besides, her imaginations can really help her.

After a few rounds, she just wipes everything with some tissues on her bedside table. She can be fast asleep after that.

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