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The soon to be wives are now deciding on what to have for the decors. They came across many arguments along the way, of course.

"you can't do that. I've paid my suit... and yours too. I can't change the color just because you asked." Winter raised her voice.

"then we need another outfit for the afterparty." Karina bluntly said then continues to look at the décor's book.

"do you want a separate décor for that, miss?" the man in front of them asked.

"yes, please." she replied.

"alright then. I'll be outside. Do what you like." The sulking Winter, walks outside the WO office.

Karina then takes care of the rest for another hour before coming out of the office to see Winter playing with her phone.

"let's get back to the shop. We still have some time." Karina looks at her watch.

"you go to your shop. I'll go to mine." Winter walks first outside towards the parking lot. "I'll drop you off then pick you up. Call me."

Karina can only sighs. Winter's selfishness is sometimes too much for her to take. Not to mention her way of taking 'care' of the company which doesn't look like she cares at all.

Driving a little faster, Winter goes through some road rages with some other cars.

"can you... slow down?" Karina holds on to her seatbelt and the door handle.

As if Karina doesn't exist, Winter ignores her and just drives as she likes. She's just exhausted from spending her time in the company then to the WO and now she have to drive back to the shop.

"get out." Winter parked in front of the bridal shop.

After that, Karina walks in to the shop, showing a small smile to the same woman as the other day.

"hello, miss. Your appointment for the fitting is still in three days." She informed.

"I want to look for another gown for an afterparty." Karina is furious. "I want something extravagant. Since I can't have my choice for the wedding."

"glad you asked. Come with me. were working on a project." She leads her inside. "this is supposed to be for a gown contest but I'd like to offer you to wear it."

"that's a bit too much." Karina got taken aback. "I'd like to see it, though."

Karina went into another room and greeted by an unfinished layered dress. she's amazed. She sees a crown on the table also, the workers are working on it delicately. Must be super expensive, she thought.

"we planned on finishing it in 4 months. I think we can finish it before your wedding too." The woman explained.

"make it worth the wait. I'll take it." Karina still stares at the dress. she can already pictures how it will look like when it's finished.

"then you can pay after it's finished. Thank you, miss. I think this gown will look good on you."

Meanwhile, Winter lets Chris picks an outfit for her.

"I'll add it on my collection, then." Winter said as she watches Chris looking through his wardrobe.

"try this, this, and this. you'll look like a king, I promise." Chris gets more excited than Winter.

"sure." Winter smirked.

After some time, she comes out of the changing room and looks into the mirror.

"oh dear... if you're a man, I'd smash." Chris claps his hands a few times. "add some rings and a watch and you're good to go."

"I look damn good." Winter is satisfied. This is why she never change her shop. Chris already knows what fits her.

"if you wanna look cooler, I have this." Chris pulls out a black staff with an ornament at the tip of it.

"I can fight someone with this." Winter jokes around.

"this is expensive!" Chris takes back the staff and Winter immediately takes it back. "just don't break it."

"dude, relax." Winter chuckled. "I'll take it."


Winter arrived back at Karina's shop. Honking a few times, Karina finally comes out of the shop and enters the car.

The whole ride is silent. Both of them are too tired to talk and just they don't want any arguments to start.

They finally arrived at Karina's mansion. Just like the usual, Winter drops her off.

"don't forget the meeting tomorrow." Karina said her last words before leaving the car and goes into the house.

Instead of going home, Winter drives to her usual high-end strip club. She's considered as a regular even though she doesn't really go there often.

One of her other businesswoman friends called her in to join her table.

"hey Giselle." Winter greeted. She then yawns despite the loud music and girls roaming around them.

"you're not gonna go straight to the room, aren't you?" Giselle brings up about the private room provided by the club for VIP customers.

"nah. I'll stay here for a bit. How's business going?" she asked. Girls starting to gather around, seducing them. Winter is unbothered.

"it's going well. My investments really helps with stuff. How's yours? I'm so glad when I heard that you're affiliating with the Yoo's. I thought you're going bankrupt." Giselle runs in a different sector than Winter. That's why she's not really affected by the crisis.

"oh well. I have my ways. So, I can say that everything's fine."

Spending more time talking, their conversation stays around business, women, and life. Giselle heard about the wedding, though. Of course, she's invited.

"poor you." Giselle shrugs. "good thing I can convinced my parents about that stuff."

"yeah? Should I congratulate you?" Winter rolls her eyes. "so I suppose you've found your girl?"

"then, why am I here?" Giselle raised her eyebrow. "I have a long way to go. I won't waste my time with such things."

"you're wasting your time here instead?" Winter scoffed, mocking her friend.

"I can say the same to you." Giselle smirked, joining the joke.

"alright. Time to go." Winter pats Giselle's thigh and keeps her eyes on a random stripper.

"good luck!"

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now