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Karina is finally home. Entering her room, she sees Winter playing with her phone, laying on her stomach. The cake that she bought is placed on Winter's desk.

"oh... finally." Winter looks at Karina. "I wanna share the cake." She then walks towards her desk and take the cake out. she brings it to the bed with her.

"okay." Karina responded, cleaning her make up.

"I don't think anyone remembers my birthday anymore. Even my parents forgets about it." Winter excitingly said. "I told my mom about this too. She said she'll send me a gift."

Karina smiles to herself. Seeing Winter so excited about something is pleasing. Winter can finally open up to her little by little. but something still bothers her.

"what time did you get off from work?" Karina finishes her night routine and joins Winter on the bed.

"about... three? Why?" Winter casually replied.

"where did you go after that?" Karina continues.

"I'm meeting Ryujin. Didn't you call me too?" Winter starts to get confused.

"yes, but didn't tell me where you were. You can meet her anywhere." Karina pushes her.

"we met at her workplace." Winter decided to lie. If she founds out about her gambling habit, there will be another fight tonight. Winter tries to avoid that.

"just tell me where she works. Soobin knows her and I know where she works, Winter. Just tell me." Karina opens up.

"oh, so that's why you also called me?" Winter looks at her in disbelief. "you're interrogating me because he told you things?"

"what if I did? I can't just trust you like before. Of course, I question everything about you. the only time that we can really talk is here. On this bed, in this room, at this house. what else can I do?"

"so you're saying you trust him more than me?" Winter's mood is ruined. "tell me. what do you know about my friend? I'll tell you if it's true."

"Ryujin works at some nightclubs, bars, and casinos. She owns lots of properties. Based on what I heard from our call, I'm sure it's either the bar or club." Karina looks at her.

"now that thing about where she works. True. I don't know where he gets the info about her properties. She does own some bars and casinos, though."

"you still haven't answer my question. I'm still doubting you. you need to at least be honest with me. I feel like I'm the one who wants it."

"did he also tells you that? you think I give up?" Winter scoffs. "if you really don't trust me, then why the fuck did you stay, Karina? If you really trust that Soobin guy so much, why do you have to make things hard for yourself by staying with me? I bet he wants to take you away too. Perfect." Winter leans closer. "You really want it the easy way, don't you?" Winter lowers her head. "I'm not easy, Karina. If you really wanna make this work then at least let me figure things out my pace." Winter looks back up. "I'm really trying. I really do." Winter moves back a little. "I'm not in the mood." Winter takes the cake and put it back on its box. She then takes the box outside to put it in the fridge.

Karina on the other hand, thought that she's being too hard with Winter. This is probably her first time in a committed relationship. At first, she thought that it's easy to make her opens up. But, getting inside her is like singlehandedly mining a piece of diamond.

Feeling like it's taking too long, Karina decided to go after Winter. Karina finally found her. she sits alone with a bottle of wine beside her, head lowered. Karina walks closer, silently so Winter won't notice. Getting closer, Karina hears sobbing from Winter. It really breaks her heart to see Winter cries for the first time.

Winter is too occupied with her own mind; she didn't notice that Karina is right behind her until her arms wrapped around her. Winter panics and quickly wipes her tears. She pushes Karina slightly.

"hey, it's okay." Karina leans in again, resting her chin on Winter's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"I get it." Winter sighs. "don't be sorry."

Karina wraps her arms on Winter's waist, flushing their bodies together.

"I won't push you anymore. I just want you to understand that I truly care about you. you don't have to hide your feelings when it's just us." Karina tries to calm her down.

"I've never done this before. I don't know what I'm feeling. This is confusing and it's bothering me." Winter let out a long sigh.

"take your time. I'll be here." Karina sincerely said.

"why did you stay? Clearly, Soobin is way better than me. your mom still hates me, right?"

"can we set that aside? I wanna enjoy this." Karina takes Winter's hand and intertwines them. "you will know one day. why I stay."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now