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They haven't talk for weeks because of that day. instead of going to the club, Winter enters a bar. she'll meet Giselle tonight.

Exchanging some short greetings, Winter chats with her casually.

"I want a divorce." Winter sighs, sipping her drink.

"go then. I thought you want that in the first place. Why do you have to tell me?" Giselle raised an eyebrow.

"because... I feel like this marriage thing starts to form an invisible bond between us. I'm not ready."

"well, what about your parents? If they're okay, then go ahead." Giselle notices the gloomy face on her friend's face.

"bet they won't even care. Dad only wants their money and mom... kinda lets me handle everything ever since I'm married." Winter looks at Giselle.

"why are you like this? I don't even know how to respond." Giselle is confused. Winter can do anything that she wants at this point.

"if I know, I won't be meeting you here, G." Winter stares at her drink, swirling it. "we haven't talk too. Feels like she's taking this too seriously."

"of course, she is. Her family needs it and she has to play along." Giselle then suddenly grabs Winter's shoulder. "oh god... I think she likes you. like, genuinely."

"bullshit, Giselle. I saw the look on her face that day. there's no way what you said is true." Winter scoffed and slaps Giselle's hand gently.

"perhaps... you're starting to like her too." Giselle added. "you've never been like this, Winter." She sighs after that.

"you're drunk." Winter looks at Giselle.

"oh, hey, Winter. Glad I didn't see you at the club. Karina must be stressed out." Vivian appeared and stands beside Giselle.

"hey babe." Giselle wraps her arm around Vivian's waist.

"oh, you guys are dating?" Winter raised her eyebrow.

"not long ago. We met at your wedding." Giselle smirks.

"ah... good for you." Winter stares back at her drink.

"you should stop going out all night and talk to her." Vivian heard what happened to them from Karina.

"what's there to talk about? I'm planning on getting a divorce." Winter opens up.

"oh..." Vivian lowers her head. "you do you."


Just like any other night, Karina still waits for Winter until she's home. Playing with her phone, she gets herself occupied. Some time after, she hears someone walking on the stairs. Karina quickly drops her phone and pretends to sleep.

Winter enters the room. looking at Karina who's asleep, she walks quietly to the closet and changes her clothes. Trying not to wake her up, Winter climbs on to the bed carefully.

"since you're asleep. You can't hear me, right?" Winter looks to her side. "I want a divorce. If we keep doing this, I don't think we both survived. This marriage is taking my energy and I'm not ready for it." Winter sighs. "okay. I said what I need to say." She speaks to herself.

Karina tried her best to not make any sound. In the verge of crying, Karina shuts her eyes and covers her mouth tightly. Her chest hurts like hell. She should feel happy about this but does it bring an extreme pain to her heart? Sure she's disappointed in her but not enough for a divorce. Just when she's already forgiving her, she breaks her heart again.


The next morning, Winter wakes up lazily. She looks to the side and Karina isn't there. She notices a wet patch on the pillow.

"huh?" Winter is too sleepy too process. "oh shit!" Winter panicked. She looks for anything that can tell her where Karina's at on her bedside table. A note.

'I'll move out for some time. we need time to think this through.'

Winter crumples the paper and threw it across the room. she's not sad or anything but the chance of Karina telling her parents about this making her anxious. Besides, she's still considering. It's a plan that Winter needs to think about.

Then, she decided to just drives to her parents' mansion. Since she's too lazy, she just wear her pants and go.

Entering her mansion, she sees her mother drinking a cup of coffee and reading her tablet. Mrs. Kim looks up to her daughter. She smiles at her.

"you're early. What's wrong sweetheart?" Mrs. Kim pats the space beside her.

Winter walks towards her and sits down. Feeling tired, she leans on her shoulder.

"I'm tired." Winter sighed, closing her eyes.

"it's okay. Marriage can be hard. You'll get used to it." The woman caressed her head gently. "back when you were born, your dad was so happy to find that you're gonna be a handsome boy. But, turns out, you become a beautiful woman." She paused. "I know you won't remember but back then, you're so naughty. You even threw your toy car towards him. seems like you hated him as much as he hated you." Mrs. Kim chuckles.

"you guys had a fight because of me. he blames you for having me. I don't wanna see you cry anymore after that day." Winter recalls. "...not anyone around me."

"at least, he treats you a little well, now, right?" the woman pats her head. "oh, how's she?"

"that's the thing. I haven't been able to talk to her and now I don't know where she is." Winter sighs.

"did something happen?"

Winter takes a deep breath and let it out. with that, Winter tells her what happened. Of course, her mother thinks that it's her fault. After some time, her mother gives her a talk about it.

"I thought you don't play around anymore." Mrs. Kim folds her arms. "call her. ask her where she is."

"what? No. she said we need time."

"I know you do. I just want you to apologize." She looks at Winter taking her phone. "in person."

"I'm doing this because you asked me to." Winter then proceeds to call Karina.

No answer. She tries again. This time, she picks up.

"where are you?" Winter waits. "tell me where you are."

"Winter..." her mother places her hand on Winter's back.

"Karina... can you please tell me where you are?" Winter looks at her mother, smiling sarcastically. "alright. I need to talk to you." she then hangs up. "she's in her office."

"be nice to her, okay?" Mrs. Kim smiles a little.


Winter arrives at the company. taking a quick pace, she enters Karina's office. She's not alone though. A man that seems older than her is talking with Karina.

"ah... your wife is here." The man stands up and Karina follows. "I'll be going, then. we'll talk some other time." he then walks towards Karina, hugs her, and kisses her cheek.

After he left, Winter sits on the couch. The talk about that guy can wait. Winter is here to apologize and that's it. Karina sits back down in front of Winter.

"I'd like to apologize." She said shortly.

"I already forgive you." Karina looks at Winter. "if that's your intention to come, then you can leave now."

Taken aback by Karina's coldness, Winter looks back at her. well, that's easy, she thought.

"anything else?" Karina is making sure because it seems like Winter has a lot to say.

"not really, no." Winter stands up, ready to leave.

"I'll be back with my parents. You can stay in our... your house." Karina clears her throat.

"so you..." Winter holds herself. "okay."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now