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Going back at the company, their first week together goes by pretty quickly.

"how's Karina?" Mr. Kim asked his daughter.

"good." She replied.

"we have five years before you can do whatever you like. For now, let's pretend that you guys are really married." He reminded.

"that's easy. We don't need that much time, anyway."

"I know. What you did with the investments starting to give us a lot of improvement. If you chose just one different company this will turn out different too." Mr. Kim is monitoring on his laptop.

"contract matters, right?" Winter smirks. "the contract will go in our favour. So, whatever happens to them, they need to pay for it."

"well... that's quite cunning." Mr. Kim looks at her, pursing his lips. "so when will you take over fully? I need to take care of our other branches too."

"go, then. I think I can start now." Winter sighs.

"you sure? I won't be interfering with your work anymore... at all." Mr. Kim reassures her.

"I see you're still doubting me."

"I know you. you're reckless, Winter. I don't know what you have in your brain but you need to plan everything from now on." Mr. Kim fixes his glasses.

"I always make plans, dad. just a little faster than most people."

"whatever. I'll hand it all over to you. I'm going." Mr. Kim stands up and leaves her.


Karina comes out of the meeting room with her assistant, still talking about the meeting.

"right on it, miss." He checks on his tablet. "Ms. Kim called earlier. She wants to have dinner at home."

"that'll be no problem." Karna smiles at him.

She sits on her desk, have nothing more to do today. It's only three in the afternoon and usually, she's still busy. Since their company haven't got into any disadvantages, Karina can be a little relaxed.

"hey, Vivian!" Karina called her friend. "You busy, today?"

"not really. Why?"

"it's been a while. Let's meet up." Karina smiles.

"great idea! Oh, congrats on your wedding!"

"thank you." Karina chuckled. "I'll decide the place, okay? Be there in 10 minutes."

With that, Karina goes to a restaurant to meet her.

When she arrived, she sees her friend already sitting on a table, playing with her phone. she soon joins her.

"hey, Karin... what's up?" Vivian greeted. "you look good."

"oh thank you. you look great too."

"I didn't think you'd marry Winter. How's she?" Vivian stirs her drink.

"well... we're not that close. I don't know things about her." Karina pursed her lips.

"that's alright. I still see her coming to my club, though." Vivian owns many clubs across the country.

"which one?"

"oh, you know which one. People started talking about you guys. I tell you, you don't wanna hear them." Vivian feels a little pity towards the girl.

"is that so?" Karina sighs. "this is all useless."

"don't say that. everything happens for a reason." Vivian reaches for her hands and rubs it gently. "don't listen to their shit talking. This is your life. Nobody has the right to meddle, right?"

"thank you, Ning. I can break if off in five years, anyway." Karina tries to smile a little.

"oh really? So it's like a contract?"

"right. Dad said that all the property will be given to us if it all works out. at least that's the good thing about this."

"then I can only wish you well."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now