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As time goes by, they both turns 24. Only a few months left before the arranged marriage between them happens. This time around, Winter and Karina got busier in their own company.

Still with her father's assistant's observing, Karina works on her father's office to get used to the company's systems.

"is there anything that confuses you?" the older man asked.

"not really. I think I can manage. Is there any appointments that I have to do today?" Karina asked.

"you'll be having dinner with at Mr. Kim's house tonight. before that, there will be a meeting with Ms. Kim at her company this afternoon." He explained.

Karina let out a long sigh. Their first meeting didn't end well since Winter was still reckless and way too childish to handle the company. she hopes that today things will get better.

"give me the reports, please." Karina smiled a little. "I will attend the dinner."

"alright, miss." He bowed a little. he then gives Karina the reports.

The girl read it briefly. A slight improvement was seen but something's odd. She nods in responds.

"Fred..." Karina called him. "prepare the full records of our income. We'll present it. I feel like winter did something with the reports to make it look better."

"I already thought so. On it, miss."


Winter on the other hand, lays on the couch in her office. Her father patiently explaining things over and over to her. Those makes her frustrated.

"I get it, dad. please. move to something else." Winter sighed. She then sits up and stared at her father.

"where did you get these money from? All this didn't add up." Mr. Kim is confused. For minutes, he haven't been able to find anything regarding the unknown income.

"I have some other things that I don't need to include. Just be glad this company's getting better."

"we don't have time for that, Winter. Whatever it is you're doing, keep it to yourself." He sighed. He then proceeds to revise everything and stay true to the actual reports.

"I'm just helping. Besides, our company is already at loss." She said calmly.

"that's because you always messes up! Can you use your brain properly? If you want to be broke and live on the street, then go ahead. I'm not risking my company." Mr. Kim raised his voice.

"so I don't have to marry her?" she asked.

"what? No! you have to." Mr. Kim takes off his glasses. "look... this is only for the money. When you both got married, you can also enjoy their inheritances. Since you're being lazy about this, that's our only hope."

"you think I'm not trying to save this company? c'mon. I have too much pride to beg for someone's fortune." Winter folds her arms. "if you wanna stay true to that then it's up to you."

"you'll attend the meeting without me. I don't wanna hear any complaints from Mr. Yoo. Rose will accompany you." Mr. Kim stands up, grabs his things and leave the room.

"a little fun wouldn't hurt, right?" winter smirked. She then walks over to Rose's office. Knocking on the door, she goes in immediately, not waiting for any replies.

"oh. good afternoon, miss." The assistant looks confused. "do you need things regarding the meeting later? We have about two hours before Ms. Kim arrived."

"exactly." Winter walks closer to her and grabs he chin, tilting it upwards. "what do you think we'll do? instead of waiting for the two hours. that would be boring."

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