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Three months has passed. none of them talks about that night, either of them wants to. It's' still too embarrassing for them. Luckily for Winter too, Karina is not pregnant yet. She's not ready to have a child. She thought that it can happen in one go. Meanwhile Karina, sometimes she missed the intercourse. That's the only time that they can really be themselves.

"planning on having a child?" Mr. Yoo asked his daughter over a quick lunch. He's visiting the company once in a while for any updates on it.

"I don't." Karina clears her throat. "not in the meantime."

"ah... I won't push you. I'd like to hold my grandchild, though." Mr. Yoo smiled a little, looking at Karina. "seems like you two are getting close. Have you..."

"can we not talk about that? It's a little embarrassing." Karina's face is heating up.

"okay, okay." He chuckled. "I hope... she can be a good wife for you."

"I hope so too." So far, no any new feelings she felt toward Winter. It's still the same plus the dirty thoughts.

"you can tell me if you wanna divorce. I see that she's been rough on you. I don't want you to get hurt." Mr. Yoo shows her his concern.

"it's okay, dad. don't worry."


Hanging out with Ryujin, Winter sits across her in a café.

"damn... must be hard." Ryujin responded to her. Winter told her about what they did on their first night.

"that's how I should feel, right? But hell, I'd love to do it again. I don't have the guts to ask again. That shit is humiliating." Winter is stressed out. she still spends her time at the club but it's no longer fun.

"she's your wife. You can ask her anytime. What's embarrassing about that? we all have kinks, bro." Ryujin chuckled.

"if you put it like that it's more embarrassing, dickhead." Winter throws a crumpled tissue to her.

"you said you'd come back to the casino. What happen to that?" Ryujin sighs, averting the topic.

"fine. I'll visit tonight. it's getting a little boring there, Ryu. Everyone is so easy."

"true. I don't want you to lose, though." Ryujin looks at her watch. "I gotta go to my dad's company. I'll see you around."

"take care."


Later that evening, Winter and Karina are already home. They both busy with their phone on the bed.

"my dad wants a grandchild." Karina opens up. She thought it's better to talk about it sooner.

"I don't." Winter replied coldly.


"this is all temporary. I get it if you wanna divorce after all this. I told my dad that we don't need five years." Winter looks at Karina. "look at your company. thanks to me, you're back on your feet. I don't think you need us anymore."

"but, that's against the contract. If you back up, we still need to fill all the loss caused by your secession." Karina stares back at Winter.

"well, I'm glad you're aware that I'm the cause of your success." Winter shrugs.

"that's besides the point. People are talking about us. I know that you doesn't care at all about that but I do. we're entering our four months, and you want a divorce? What would people think? you think only I will get the shit talk?"

"who the fuck cares about all that, Karina? You're overreacting!" Winter raised her voice.

"I'm not! think about your family too! Don't be a heartless asshole, Winter." Karina sighs.

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now